
域解析运算子:: 真不知道该怎麽形容它蚂蚁书也写得很玄,不如直接看范例,在main()中print number会显示10.5如果想要使用global number就必须使用::解析域运算元去指定现在要使用的命名空间,反正就是这样。

// Fig. 6.23: fig06_23.cpp
// Using the unary scope resolution operator.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int number = 7; // global variable named number

int main()
   double number = 10.5; // local variable named number

   // display values of local and global variables
   cout << "Local double value of number = " << number
      << "\nGlobal int value of number = " << ::number << endl;
   return 0; // indicates successful termination
} // end main

void set_varible(){

   short number = 7


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