Two Sum 演算法初阶题,Ruby 30 天刷题修行篇第九话

大家好,我是阿飞,今天的题目是演算法初阶题目 Two Sum,让我们一起来看看:
题目来源 Codewars

Write a function that takes an array of numbers (integers for the tests) and a target number. It should find two different items in the array that, when added together, give the target value. The indices of these items should then be returned in a tuple like so: (index1, index2).

For the purposes of this kata, some tests may have multiple answers; any valid solutions will be accepted.

The input will always be valid (numbers will be an array of length 2 or greater, and all of the items will be numbers; target will always be the sum of two different items from that array).

twoSum [1, 2, 3] 4 === (0, 2)

题目要我们把阵列中的数字两两相加,直到相加的结果等於 target,并且回传两个数字在阵列的 index。

看到题目我很快就联想到,以前学 JavaScript 时练习过的印出九九乘法表,便假定要用两个回圈来完成,假设有阵列[0, 1, 2],而目标值是 3,我们第一圈计算 0 + 1 (index 0 和 1)和 0 + 2(index 0 和 2),得到结果分别是 1 和 2,不符合目标值,便进入第二圈,计算 1 + 2(index 1 和 2),便可以得到解答。故,内层的回圈比起外层的回圈,起始值要 + 1。


def two_sum(numbers, target)
  i = 0
  j = 1
  arr = []
  while i < numbers.length
    while j < numbers.length
      if numbers[i] + numbers[j] == target
          arr << i
          arr << j
      j += 1
    i += 1
    j = i + 1


def twoSum(numbers, target)
  numbers.each_with_index do |n1, i1|
    numbers.each_with_index do |n2, i2|
      return [i1, i2] if (n1 + n2) == target && i1 != i2

它很高明地用了 each_with_index 拿出阵列里的每个 element 和对应的 index,并在最後加了 i1 != i2 的判断,避免相同 index 数字相加的情况。


<<:  24.unity对话处理(List与class)

>>:  Day 09:RESTful API、JSON


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