Choosing the correct postcard size for print

Whenever a perfect ERP installation is expected, one thing that is kept in mind is the End-user. It is necessary to give training before implementing ERP into an industry.

There are various blogs and articles on the Internet that support the process of training into one format or using a single tool that is good but is not diverse. If proper training has to be provided, it should be blended with more than one tool. Secondly, the tools should be blended so that it supports a vast understanding of the complex applications integrated with the program.

So, it is wise to use more than one tool or different methods for training purposes for effective ERP end-user processes.

ERP demonstrations
Classroom sessions
Whenever a change is introduced in any industry or is in talks of implementation, one always has a few questions in their mind:

What is the use of implementing anything new? What implications will it have on the program or the Industry?

The above are a few essential questions that will strike in the minds of employees or employers whenever a third party makes a suggestion.

In situations like this, one effective methodology to deal with it is to demonstrate the idea through the examples currently shining in the market. For ERP, one of the most popular and successful implementations has been into the educational Industry through online teaching.

Demonstrating the profits and popularity of the concept of E-learning, one can quickly get away from questions like this and could answer how the technology is going to affect the organization with a far better and deep understanding of things.

Hands-on training with the help of E-Learning
Once done with the discussions and demonstrations, what needs to be done is to provide hands-on training on such tools. But as the user will still be under the customization process, it is advised to use software training simulations.

The above-suggested process is easy as anything, and you need to follow these step-by-step procedures:

Records the steps involved in the functions using a tool that is authorized and rapid.
Publish it with the format required and desired.
Upload on the LMS.
By abiding by these steps, the end-users can easily access the software training simulations anytime and anywhere via laptops or computers, no matter where you are, either at your home or workplace.

The Software simulations mimic ERP so well that the training will be provided effectively and ensure a risk-free environment.

**Reinforce M-learning

The task cannot be completed just with proper demonstration, discussions, and training to the end-users using software training simulations mimicking ERP. For better retention, one needs to reinforce it from time to time as no one wants to go through the same learning phase again and again. Upgrades are essential and valued over simplicity.

What further can be done to reinforce the training is by delivering short videos for reference, Job aids, guides, and more that you can easily access on Mobile devices.

Such comforts will promote learning for the end-users as they get access to every bit of information they must know, anywhere and anytime at the point of need.

The topic can be better understood by taking an example of what exactly we benefit from in our real lives, as a blend of vegetables or Fruits in a jar altogether. It helps you stay fit more if compared to consuming a single vegetable/fruit every time.

Similarly, the blend of E-learning, M-learning, and others successfully retain all the tool's functions called Enterprise Resource Planning, also called ERP. The blending of such methods will be profitable and will ensure effective and continuous ERP end-user Training.

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