【C#】Structural Patterns Flyweight Mode

The Flyweight design pattern uses sharing to support large numbers of fine-grained objects efficiently.

简单来说~ Flyweight模式使用共享来提供大量的细节对象

学习目标: 享元模式的概念及实务

学习难度: ☆☆☆

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp


    public class GameFactory
        public Game GetGame(string factory) //回传Game物件
            Game game = null;

            if (factory == "Ensemble")
                game = new AOE();
            else if (factory == "VALVE")
                game = new CSGO();

            return game;


    public abstract class Game
        protected string type;

        protected string name;

        public string version;

        public int price;

        public abstract void Demo();


    public class AOE : Game
        // Constructor
        public AOE()
            type = "RTS";

            name = "AOE3";

            version = "1.0";

            price = 250;

        public override void Demo()
            Console.WriteLine(" Create " + this.GetType().Name + " Game " + "And the Game's version is " + version);


    public class CSGO : Game
        // Constructor
        public CSGO()
            type = "FPS";

            name = "CSGO";

            version = "1.0";

            price = 200;

        public override void Demo()
            Console.WriteLine(" Create " + this.GetType().Name + " Game " + "And the Game's version is " + version);

    public class MainProgram
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            GameFactory factory = new GameFactory();

            string factory1 = "Ensemble";

            Game aoe = factory.GetGame(factory1);

            aoe.version = "2.0";


            string factory2 = "VALVE";

            Game csgo = factory.GetGame(factory2);

            csgo.version = "2.0";




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