「 A Prediction Approach for Stock Market Volatility Based on Time Series Data 」 ieee access 翻译

01 : because the auther is the indian , so this research will take nifty etc india stock to example
因为作者是印度人,所以想当然的会拿 nifty 等印度股票做举例
This research tries to analyze the time series data of the Indian stock market and build a statistical model that could efficiently predict the future stocks

02 : 时间序列是指有序序列,或者由相同时间差,间隔组成的数据点集合
Time series data refers to an ordered sequence or a set of data points that a variable takes at equal time intervals

03 : 最大化收益,最小化风险
All the stock market investors aim to maximize the returns over their investments and minimize the risks associated

04 : components may mean: 指数中的分股
The stock market is considered to be one of the most highly complex financial systems which consist of various components or stocks , the price of which fluctuates greatly with respect to time

05 : 由於在多种实用领域,例如:外汇货币、销售数量等等,去分析预测外币、销量这些因与时间变化而有改动的序列是至关重要的,并有着他的广泛应用。
Time series analysis and forecasting is of vital significance , owing to its widespread use in various practical domains

06 : 预测股市牵涉到如何揭开关攸时间而变迁的市场趋势
Stock market forecasting involves uncovering the market trends with respect to time

07 : 股市是高敏感的,且易受快速变动而影响,所以预测股票趋势的主要目标在於发展创新方法去预见股价,并创造高收益。
Stock markets being highly sensitive and susceptible to quick changes , the main aim of stock-trend prediction is to develop new innovative approaches to foresee the stocks that result in high profits
二、forecast process
短期 量化研究
长期 质化研究 delphi method
一、 识别问题
二、 收集资讯
三、 初步分析
四、 选择
五、 评估
三、 finance forecast
四、 stock market predict
五、 time serie analysis

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