[Kata] Clojure - Day 30

Responsible Drinking

Codewars Bar recommends you drink 1 glass of water per standard drink so you're not hungover tomorrow morning.

Your fellow coders have bought you several drinks tonight in the form of a string. Return a string suggesting how many glasses of water you should drink to not be hungover.



"1 beer"  =>  "1 glass of water"
"1 shot, 5 beers and 1 glass of wine"  =>  "7 glasses of water"


 (ns hydrate)
(defn hydrate [drink-string]
  (def glasses (apply + (map #(Integer/parseInt (str %)) (filter #(Character/isDigit %) drink-string))))
 (str glasses (if (= glasses 1) " glass of water" " glasses of water"))

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