Day 28 Explore monitoring and reporting

Compare authentication and authorization

  • Establish identity of person or service looking to access resource
  • Involve act of challenging party for legitimate credentials
  • Provide basis for creating security principal for identity and access control use


  • Establish what level of access authenticated person or service
  • Specify what data allowed to access

Explore Azure Active Directory

  • Microsoft cloud-based identity and access management service
  • Helps employees of organization sign in and access resources
    • External resources - include Microsoft 365, Azure portal and SaaS
    • Internal resources - include apps on corporate network and intranet

<<:  Day 31:RecyclerView Loads More

>>:  Google Recaptcha v3 使用心得

【课程推荐】2021/1/23~1/24 软件需求与系统分析实务班

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如果编写多次相同的代码,则可以把代码封装在一个块中,然後为该代码命名 通过这种方式就定义了函式,然後...