(Day 30) chequered flag

congrats to everyone who managed to finsih 30 days challenges. thanks for the one who spend time reading that my articles hopefully my articles can help you to boarden the knowledge about modern web, and big thanks to ITHOME who make this competition happen, not gonna lie this past 29 days I personally learn a lot either on modern web and about being discipline attitude.

so to sum this up. for those who on the modern web field, dont forget to sharpen your skill on HTML, CSS(Bootstrap), JS and Backend skills such as PHP(Laravel), Python(Flask, Django). and still needed to learn about containerization(Docker), Project Development( DevOps). ?

<<:  使用python 模拟使用者输入 for Win

>>:  [Day 28]用Django架构建置专属的LINEBOT吧 - LIFF(I)透过liffpy建立、编辑、删除LIFF


template<typename T> struct Array_TwoDimensi...

Day2 资料储存 - block storage基础

Block storage是最基本的储存系统,所以让我们从这里开始 我们都知道数据是以1和0储存在某...

Day22 跟着 spinlock 旋转吧

前言 昨天讲完了最基础的 atomic的资讯,了解了 atomic可以保护某个变数的资料正确性,当有...


取得 Flutter SDK 第一步先下载 Flutter SDK, 接着在 C 槽中新增一个 sr...

Day03 - 我要写 Laravel !

前言 在混过了完全不知道要写什麽的两天之後,我就在思考我到底能在铁人赛中记录下甚麽或学习到甚麽,甚至...