#30 [Final] Had Fun Learning JavaScript?

Congratulations to all of us!

The final day has already come! Hooray!
Pic: Unsplash

What I wrote to myself on the second day of this game:

"The process contained temptation, recovery after surgery, fulfillment, and failure for sure. But I believe that working as a Front-End Developer or any position overseas is uneasy as well.
Seeing you achieving these milestones aligned with your goal, I’m sincerely proud of you."

How to overcome the difficulties?

In the past 30 days, new questions had continuously pop up in my brain, so I tried:

  • Google unclear terms in both Mandarin and English that are mentioned in some professional tech websites, such as W3C School and Mozilla. (But there are still lots of terms remain confused for me, haha)
  • Read other JS beginners’ articles to see if they mentioned the information that I’m looking for.
  • Ask friends for help. (Thank you guys soooo much!!)
  • Watch other tutorial videos on the topics that I have difficulties with. (I was so disappointed at myself that I needed to start over again, learning from another teacher and rewriting 2 other articles. Guess such situation may happen often in the future?)
  • Go to bed XD
    The last point sounds funny, but that really helps! Sometimes we just need to take a break and restart our brains tomorrow to figure things out.

What I’ve learned in this month?

  • Fundamental JavaScript of course!
  • Being more humble to the unknown world. (Since JS has made me a kindergarten student...)
  • Know myself more: I need achievement and fulfillment from diverse activities. As a result, I arranged some events this month, e.g. job interviews, mountain climbing with friends, going to cafes with friends, planning trips for the future, and writing KPT Diary to reflect the whole learning process.

Thanks for the following people’s kind and warm support:

  • Alan: a super humble learner encouraging everyone to write, join iThome Ironman game, and enhance our skills. (I did join this game last year because of his recommendation, haha)
  • Kyle: a childish CTO and a father of a 1-year-old kid, who always shares knowledge in a very humorous but useful way.
  • Yashien: we have never expected that we would learn coding together after knowing each other for almost 20 years.
  • My partner: thanks for his company and encouragement. (Yup, that’s it. Short and simple XDDD)

This is definitely not an end, but a new start!

There are still a few fundamental lessons that I should learn, so I’ll try to finish them this week.

Keep moving on and good luck to everyone’s career path!

Useful Resources in Mandarin

Music of Today: 跟着走 iturusanay by 桑布依 Sangpuy

Sangpuy is the singer who won the Annual Best Album in Taiwan.
(Last year is 阿爆(阿仍仍) Aljenljeng Tjaluvie.)


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