好想中乐透啊,Ruby 30 天刷题修行篇第十四话

嗨我是A Fei,连续好几天都十一点多回家,真的是累翻,先来看看今天的题目:

Time to win the lottery!

Given a lottery ticket (ticket), represented by an array of 2-value arrays, you must find out if you've won the jackpot.

Example ticket:

[ [ 'ABC', 65 ], [ 'HGR', 74 ], [ 'BYHT', 74 ] ]
To do this, you must first count the 'mini-wins' on your ticket. Each subarray has both a string and a number within it. If the character code of any of the characters in the string matches the number, you get a mini win. Note you can only have one mini win per sub array.

Once you have counted all of your mini wins, compare that number to the other input provided (win). If your total is more than or equal to (win), return 'Winner!'. Else return 'Loser!'.

All inputs will be in the correct format. Strings on tickets are not always the same length.

题目出了个乐透的小游戏,它提供一组阵列,里面包了好几张「乐透票」,是由一个字串和一个数字组合而成,如果字串中有任何字元的编码与数字匹配,将获得小奖。注意,每子阵列只能获得一次小奖。计算完赢得小奖的次数後,将该数字与另一组数字「win」比较,如果您的总数大於或等於「win」,则回传 Winner,反之回传 Loser。

def bingo(ticket,win)
  mini_win = 0
  for subarray in ticket
    if subarray[0].chars.map { |n| n.bytes }.flatten.include?(subarray[1])
    mini_win += 1
  mini_win >= win ? "Winner!" : "Loser!" 


def bingo(ticket, win)
  ticket.count { |string, code| string.include?(code.chr) } >= win ? 'Winner!' : 'Loser!'

<<:  【第二十九天 - 系统分析 题目分析】

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