#28 JS: Timing Events - Part 2

After introducing about the 2 methods for timing events in the last article, let's practice by examples:

Example 1. setTimeout

Usage Scenario: transfer the web page from price comparison to Ads or an e-commerce company's page.

Count down from 3 seconds:

<body onload="init();">
    <span id="timer">3</span> 
<script type="text/javascript">
let timer;
function init(){ 
    window.setTimeout(countdown, 1000);
function countdown (){
    if(timer.innerHTML>0){ //It will continue counting down until meeting 0.
        window.setTimeout(countdown, 1000);  

Example 2. setInterval

Usage Scenario: same as example 1.

Count down from 3 second, same as example 1, but setInterval will continue repeating the function. And we can skip window.setTimeout(countdown, 1000); to simplify the function.

<script type="text/javascript">
let timer;
function init(){ 
    window.setInterval(countdown, 1000); 
function countdown (){

Music of Today: Run by Phum Viphurit


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