

wish商户通过手动上传、CSV 或 API 在商户平台中添加新产品时,可以添加“干净图片”。点击此处了解有关向店铺添加产品的详细信息。

若要在添加新产品时手动选择“干净图片”,请在商户平台前往产品 > 添加新产品 > 手动。



若要为现有产品手动选择“干净图片”,请在商户平台上前往产品 > 更新现有产品 > 手动,找到要添加“干净图片”的产品,点击“操作”并选择“编辑产品”:




选择“干净图片”后,在商户平台的产品 > 查看所有产品页面,产品将显示特殊徽标:

但是,在 Wish 应用和 wish.com 的产品页面并不会显示此类徽标,因此用户并不知晓您的产品是否选择了干净图片。


若要通过 API 选择“干净图片”,您可以使用以下 API 端口为新产品或现有产品设置干净图片 URL:

  • api/v2/product/add

    • 定义:(可选)为产品设置干净图片 URL。clean_image 的 URL 必须与 main_image 或某个 extra_image 的 URL 相同。选择了干净图片的产品可能会获得更高的曝光量和销量。

    • 新参数:clean_image

  • api/v2/product/update

    • 定义:(可选)使用产品现有 Wish main_image 或 Wish extra_image 的Wish URL 更新产品的干净图片(例如:https://contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/5316b4c57179511704742fc1-5-original.jpg)。如果干净图片 URL 不是 Wish URL,则该产品不会保存该干净图片。选择了干净图片的产品可能会获得更高的曝光量和销量。

    • 新参数:clean_image

API 获取产品干净图片:以下端口将返回先前为产品设置的 clean_image。如果产品已设置 clean_image,则将返回一个与 main_image 或者某个 extra_image 相同的 Wish URL。

  • api/v2/product

  • api/v2/product/multi-get

  • api/v2/product/create-download-job


How do I select a “clean image” for my product?

Merchants are able to include a “clean image” when adding new products in Merchant Dashboard via manual upload, CSV, or API. Click here to learn more about adding products to your store.

To manually select a “clean image” when adding new products, simply navigate to the Products > Add New Products > Manual page on the Merchant Dashboard to start.

After you upload the main image and extra images in the "Images" section on this page, hover over the image that you would like to set as the "clean image" for this product, and click "Mark as Clean Image", as shown below:

Merchants can also choose an existing product image as the “clean image” using the same three methods. The “clean image” for a product can be edited before product becomes promoted. Click here to learn more about editing an existing product listing.

To select a “clean image” manually for your existing product listing, first navigate to the Products > Update Existing Products > Manual page on your Merchant Dashboard, locate the product listing to which you’d like to add a “clean image”, click on “Actions” and select “Edit Listing”:


In the popup “Edit Product” modal that follows, navigate to the “Images” section and select a “clean image”:

Click “Update” to finish.

Once you select a "clean image", you'll be able to see a special logo on the Merchant Dashboard Products > View All Products for the corresponding product:

However, there will not be a customer-facing logo on the product listing in the Wish app or wish.com indicating that you have selected a clean image for this product.

Note that a one-time “clean image” selection from existing images is now available for promoted products. Editing a promoted product for the purpose of making a one-time selection of a “clean image” during this time will be allowed. Note that merchants are not able to upload a new “clean image” for promoted products. 

To select a “clean image” via API, the following API endpoints allow you to set a clean image url for a new or existing product:

  • api/v2/product/add

    • Definition: optional Set a URL of the clean image of your product. The clean_image must be the same URL as the main_image or one of the extra_image(s). Products with clean image selected may receive increased impressions and sales. 

    • New Parameter: clean_image

  • api/v2/product/update

    • Definition: optional Update a product’s clean image with a Wish URL from an existing Wish main_image or Wish extra_image on the product (for example: https://contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/5316b4c57179511704742fc1-5-original.jpg). If the clean image URL is not a Wish URL, the clean image will not be saved on the product. Products with clean image selected may receive increased impressions and sales.

    • New Parameter: clean_image

API GET Product Clean Images: The following endpoints will return the clean_image previously set for a given product. If the clean_image has been set, it will return a Wish URL identical to the main_image or one of the extra_image.

  • api/v2/product

  • api/v2/product/multi-get

  • api/v2/product/create-download-job


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