

如果您想在某个时段(例如,节假日或休假期间)暂停某些仓库或所有仓库的运营,可以前往商户平台的账户 > 设置 > 假期设置页面进行假期设置。


  • 所有仓库均运营:


  • 仅暂停主仓库:


点击“保存”后,主仓库中的所有产品在 Wish 平台上将变为不可售状态,用户也无法选择相应的配送速度/选项。二级仓库中的产品和相应的配送选项(例如商户设置的“最长妥投天数”)不受影响。

但是,在您选择“仅暂停主仓库”后的8个小时内,您仍然可能会在商户平台上收到新订单,这是因为 Wish 在将订单显示给商户之前,可能会将订单保留最长8个小时进行审核。您有责任履行假期模式生效之前产生的所有订单(参见以下示例)。

  • 暂停所有仓库:


点击“保存”后,您的所有产品在 Wish 平台上将变为不可售状态,所有产品曝光在您设置的这段时间内也将暂停。而且,用户也不能再在您的店铺下单。但是,在您选择“暂停所有仓库”后的8个小时内,您仍然可能会在商户平台上收到新订单,这是因为 Wish 在将订单显示给商户之前,可能会将订单保留最长8个小时进行审核。您有责任履行假期模式生效之前产生的所有订单(参见以下示例)。


      假设店铺1有产品 X 和产品 Y,且没有任何活跃/待处理订单

    • 上午6时,店铺1的订单为零

    • 上午7时,用户从店铺1购买产品 X(订单 A)

    • 上午7:59,用户从店铺1购买产品 Y(订单 B)

    • 上午8时,商户为店铺1选择“暂停所有仓库”/“仅暂停主仓库”,用户无法再向相应的仓库下单

    • 下午3时,店铺1可以履行订单 A

    • 下午4时,店铺1可以履行订单 B

    • 下午4时,店铺/主仓库不会再出现需要履行的新订单

    • 下午4:30,商户履行完订单 A 和订单 B




Vacation Settings

If you would like to pause the operations of some or all your warehouse(s) for a certain period of time (due to holiday or vacation time off, for example), you can configure your vacation settings in the Merchant Dashboard Account > Settings > Vacation Settings page.

Simply click “Edit” and you will be able to select one of the following options for your store in the popup modal that follows: 

  • All warehouse(s) operational:

If your Vacation Settings is “All warehouse(s) operational”, all active products with inventory are available for sale. All orders will be subject to the Merchant Policy 5.1 fulfillment timeline of marking orders as “shipped” within 5 calendar days after the order released time.

  • Pause Primary warehouse only:

If you would like to pause the operations of your Primary warehouse, you may leverage this option to only sell products in your Secondary warehouses. After selecting the “Pause Primary warehouse only” option in the popup modal, you can designate a start and end date as needed (see screenshot below). 

Once you click “Save”, all products and related shipping speeds/options in your Primary warehouse will be unavailable for sale on Wish. Products and related shipping options (such as max delivery days set by merchants) for the Secondary warehouse will remain available to customers. 

However, new orders for products in your Primary warehouse might continue to appear in your Merchant Dashboard up to 8 hours after “Pause Primary warehouse only” is selected. This is because Wish may hold orders for up to 8 hours before showing it to merchants for review purposes. You are responsible to fulfill any orders made up till the time of activation (see below for an example).

  • Pause all warehouse(s):

If you would like to pause the operations of all your warehouse(s) for a certain period of time, you may select this option in the popup modal. You will be able to designate a start and end date as needed. 

Once you click “Save”, all products will be unavailable for sale on Wish and all product impressions will be paused during the time period you set up. In addition, no further orders from your store can be placed. However, new orders might continue to appear in your Merchant Dashboard up to 8 hours after “Pause all warehouse(s)” is selected, because Wish may hold orders for up to 8 hours before showing it to merchants for review purposes. You are responsible to fulfill any orders made up till the time of activation (see below for an example).

     Example of “Pause all warehouse(s)”/“Pause Primary warehouse only" timeline:

      Assuming a store has products X and Y and no orders active/pending

    • 6:00am store 1 has zero orders

    • 7:00am user buys product X from store 1 (order A)

    • 7:59am user buys product Y from store 1 (order B)

    • 8:00am the merchant select “Pause all warehouse(s)”/“Pause Primary warehouse only” for store 1 & no further orders can be made for the corresponding warehouse(s)

    • 3:00pm order A becomes available to fulfill for store 1

    • 4:00pm order B becomes available to fulfill for store 1

    • 4:00pm no new orders will appear for the store/for the Primary warehouse to fulfill

    • 4:30pm order A&B are fulfilled by the merchant

If you would like to return your vacation settings from “Pause Primary warehouse only”/“Pause all warehouse(s)” to “All warehouse(s) operational”, you can just select “All warehouse(s) operational” in the popup modal and click “Save”. 

Once your vacation settings is returned to “All warehouse(s) operational”, your products that were previously enabled will reflect the correct inventory, your product impressions will resume, and customers may purchase your products again.


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>>:  Lazada新店铺-如何快速突破新手成长期









