Day 02 Introduction to AI

What is AI?

  • Machine learning - foundation for AI system
    How machine learning works - from data
  • Anomaly detection - automatically analyze data over time and identify unusual changes
  • Computer vision - interpret the world visually
    Image classification
    Object detection
    Semantic segmentation
    Image analysis
    Face detection, analysis, and recognition
  • Natural language processing(NLP) - understand written and spoken language
    Analyze and interpret text
    Interpret spoken language and synthesize speech responses
    Automatically translate spoken or written phrases between languages
    Interpret commands and determine appropriate actions
  • Conversational AI - "agents" participate in conversations with humans
    Use bots to manage dialogs with users

<<:  [DAY 3] Browser-server model的演进

>>:  [DAY 02] IAM

从零开始学3D游戏开发:入门程序实作 Part.5 计算分数

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