Golang + DevOps? Does DevOps Engineer Need to Learn Golang?"

Go for software developing.

Go is becoming more famous and important in the world of software development
because following advantages:

1. It is fast.

The code is directly translated into formats that a processor understands instead of compiling into byte-code first
This not only improves the speed of getting things done, but also make it more maintainable.

2. It supports concurrency.

The Go language has Goroutines function that can run simultaneously and independently. This feature make it scalable when dealing with several concurrent processes.

3. It is lightweight.

Goroutines are lightweight threads which takes little memory space. It is possible to run millions of GoRoutines without crashing the system
This make it very suitable for microservice and cloud platform.

When Go comes to DevOps.

Go has been the go to language when it comes to cloud and DevOps tools.
Following famous cloud technology and DevOps tools wrote with Go:

  • Terraform
  • Docker
  • Harbor
  • Clair
  • Kubernetes
  • K3S
  • Istio
  • Helm
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

Learning Go could help a DevOps engineer to better understand the architecture of these famous tools. What's more, DevOps engineer can implement tools to works with these morden technologies easily.

30 Days Challenge Plan

In this year's 30 days challenge, I would start with the introduction of Go, following by reviewing these famous DevOps tools's architecture and implementing some tools to work with these tools.

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