How to change Siri's voice on your iPhone

If you want your iPhone to be more original and stand out from the rest, one of the things you can do to customize it is to change Siri’s voice.

In recent years, virtual assistants and other helpful tools such as an essay writing service, chatbot, food delivery service have experienced significant growth. Talking about virtual assistants boost intelligent speakers and the popularization of Android Auto and Car Play, among other factors, were reasons for it.

Now that we use voice assistants more than ever, we can’t just stick to the graphical appearance when customizing our gadgets. If you want your gadget to be truly original, you also have to configure other aspects, including the voice of your assistant.

In case you did not know, you can change the voice of Siri on your iPhone. In this way, your assistant will sound different than most Apple phones, gaining personality compared to others.

Siri. Alexa. Google. Cortana… Digital assistants integrate into our daily routine, and despite their huge unstoppable success, the vast majority of people are unaware of the history behind their names. Today, we tell you about them.

Making this modification takes very little time and is very easy to do:

  • First, go into the Settings and go to the Siri and search section.
  • Under the Consult Siri, you will find the Siri Voice option. Click to see the available options.
  • Right now, you can choose two options for Siri in English. Voice 2 is the default and is the characteristic female voice that everyone recognizes as the voice of Apple’s virtual assistant. Voice 1 is a male voice and is much less common.
  • To switch to Siri’s male voice, tap Voice 1, and the package download will start. It is recommended that you are connected to WiFi not to consume data from your mobile tariff.
  • When the download is complete, you can start using the new voice for Siri.
  • Change Siri’s voice.
  • Until recently, Siri only had two voices to choose from in all languages, but with the arrival of iOS 14.5 Apple added two new voices for Siri in American English, which currently has four
  • voices.

So, enjoy!

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