Day 27 Quantum Protocols and Quantum Algorithms

Quantum Key Distribution

  • Polarisation can be one of two states -> represent a qubit


  1. Alice chooses a string of random bits and a random choice of basis for each bit(private)
  2. Alice encodes each bit onto a string of qubits using basis she chose
  3. Bob measures each qubit at random(private)
  4. Bob and Alice publicly share which basis used for each qubit
  5. Finally, Bob and Alice share random sample of their keys
    if samples match, they can be sure that their transmission is successful

<<:  [Day 27]-【STM32系列】UART/USART RX 资料接收篇(下)

>>:  [Day28] 组态设定 - 我与 ASP.NET Core 3 的 30天

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