如何配送Wish Express巴西路向订单?

商户可为巴西用户提供特快配送服务。配送 Wish Express 巴西路向订单的商户受所有现行 Wish Express 政策约束。wish商户平台汇总了以下常见问题解答,以解答有关 Wish Express 巴西路向的一些常见问题:Wish Express 巴西路向订单的妥投时限是多长?

根据商户政策10.2,Wish Express 巴西路向订单必须在订单释放之日起10个工作日内由物流服务商确认妥投。请注意,根据商户政策5.1,所有订单(包括 Wish Express 订单)还必须在5个自然日内标记发货。

Wish Express 巴西路向订单可以使用哪些物流服务商?

目前,巴西路向的 Wish Express 订单必须使用 Wish 认可的、可为巴西路向订单提供确认妥投服务的物流服务商来履行。前往可确认妥投的物流服务商页面可查看具体名单。订单必须由名单中列出的任一物流服务商确认妥投,方有资格获得付款。

是否巴西境内所有地区都需要在10个工作日内送达才能享受 Wish Express 权益?

不是。我们了解巴西物流服务的复杂性,因此 Wish Express 目前允许您屏蔽巴西境内无法在规定的10个工作日内送达的次区域。开启 Wish Express 巴西路向并非一定要开启巴西境内的所有次区域。您可以点击此处,详细了解可以屏蔽次区域的目的国/地区。


How to ship Wish Express to Brazil

Merchants are able to use expedited shipping to serve customers based in Brazil. Merchants who deliver Wish Express orders to Brazil are bound by all existing Wish Express policies. We put together the following Q&A to address some of your frequently asked questions about Wish Express Brazil:

What is the delivery timeline for Wish Express orders bound for Brazil?

Per Merchant Policy 10.2, Brazil-bound Wish Express orders must be confirmed delivered by the shipping carrier within 10 business days from the order released date. Note that all orders, including Wish Express ones, also must be marked "shipped" within 5 calendar days, per Merchant Policy 5.1.

What shipping carriers can I use for Wish Express orders bound for Brazil?

Currently, Brazil-bound Wish Express orders must be fulfilled through one of the Confirmed Delivery shipping carriers that provide delivery confirmation for Brazil-bound orders - a list of these carriers can be found on our Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carriers page. An order must be confirmed delivered by one of these carriers to be eligible for payment.

Do I need to deliver within 10 business days to all Brazil regions in order to be eligible for Wish Express benefits?

No. We understand the complexity of logistics in Brazil, so Wish Express Brazil currently allows disabling and enabling of subregions in Brazil that you cannot ship to within the required 10-business-day timeline. You do not need to participate in all Brazilian subregions in order to be part of Wish Express Brazil. Click here to learn more about available subregions to configure for Wish Express for several destination countries.


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