
如何查看和管理 Wish 发布的公告?

Wish一直以来在不断地完善和扩展各种功能、项目以及工具,旨在帮助商户更高效地在Wish平台上运营业务。为了您可以及时了解与wish商户店铺运营相关的新功能和项目的最新信息,wish平台会定期(通常是每天)发布公告。您可以通过商户平台和/或 API 来获取这些公告。







  • 与该公告相关的两种标签:“项目”标签和“类别”标签;

    • “项目”标签带有图标,例如图中的“FBW/FBS”标签;

    • “类别”标签无图标,例如图中的“Logistics”(即物流)和“Products”(即产品)标签。

  • 公告标题;

  • 如果公告标题的左边有黄色星标,则表示该公告被标记为重要公告;

  • 公告详情;

  • 概要,即公告涉及的时间节点及商户须采取的操作(请注意,仅重要公告有概要部分)。





通过 API 查看、分类和筛选公告

您还可以通过 /api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti API 端口来获取公告。例如,您可以使用以下5个字段对公告进行分类和筛选:

  • program

  • categories

  • important

  • cta_text

  • cta_text_cn

  • cta_effective_date


您可以参阅此篇 API 文档了解更多有关使用 /api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti 端口获取和管理公告的信息。


How to view and organize announcements released to merchants by Wish?

Wish continuously improves and expands its features, programs, and tools to help merchants most effectively run their businesses on the platform. To keep merchants up to date regarding new developments of Wish’s features and programs relevant to merchants’ store operations, we release announcements to merchants on a very regular basis (often daily), accessible on the Merchant Dashboard and via API. 

These announcements are merchant-facing and include the latest feature or program updates rolled out (or to be rolled out) to some or all merchants, and may contain important changes that merchants must be aware of or action items that merchants must take before or after a certain effective date.

This FAQ walks merchants through how to view these announcements, and how to sort and filter for announcements that they are most interested in.

View, sort, and filter for announcements on the Merchant Dashboard

Merchants may log in to their Merchant Dashboard to view and organize announcements. To see the most recent ones, simply click on the links of the first few announcements under the “View All Announcements” section of the left-hand navigation on the Merchant Dashboard homepage:

Merchants will then arrive at a standalone page for the individual announcement:

In the example of this particular announcement shown above, merchants are able to see the following information:

  • Two types of tags associated with the announcement: program tags and category tags.

    • Program tags are the tags with icons next to them, in this case, the “FBW / FBS” tag;

    • Category tags are the tags without icons next to them, in this case, the “Logistics” and “Products” tags.

  • Announcement title;

  • The presence of a gold star icon next to the announcement title, indicating the announcement is marked as important;

  • Announcement details;

  • A concise summary of merchant action items needed before or after a certain effective date (merchant action items will be displayed only for announcements marked as important).

Please note that all announcements will contain program and/or category tags, announcement title and details, but only some will be marked as important with merchant action items and effective date displayed. For example, the following announcement is not marked as important (no gold star icon next to the announcement title), and therefore does not display any merchant action items or effective date:

To filter for announcements with specific category and program tags, or to sort out important announcements only, merchants may click on the “View All Announcements” on the Merchant Dashboard homepage left-hand navigation to arrive at the “Announcements” page where merchants may view all announcements in one place:

On this page, merchants may filter for all announcements by selecting specific category or program tags, as shown on the left-hand navigation.

Merchants may also sort out important or recent announcements by clicking on the “Sort By” drop-down menu, as shown above.

View, sort, and filter for announcements via API

Merchants may also utilize the /api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti API endpoint to retrieve announcements. Specifically, the following 5 fields are available for merchants to sort and filter for announcements:

  • program

  • categories

  • important

  • cta_text

  • cta_text_cn

  • cta_effective_date

The "cta_text" field means merchants' action items in English language, while "cta_text_cn" means merchants' action items in Chinese language. "cta_effective_date" is the effective date before or after which merchants need to take actions. "program" and "categories" fields represent the Program and Category tags of each announcement, while "important" represents whether the announcement is marked as "important".

Merchants can feel free to refer to this API documentation to learn more about how to retrieve and organize announcements using the /api/v2/fetch-sys-updates-noti endpoint.


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