

• Tuner 接收搜索空间,生成configuration。
• 将这些生成的configuration提交到很多训练平台上。
• 将各个平台上执行的训练结果返回给Advisor。
• 继续生成新的configuration(若需要的话),进行下回合的训练。


• 定义搜索空间,按照格式要求编写YML或JSON档。 本例采YML。
• 改动原有模型代码,添加上nni的api。 (只需插入3行 nni开头的程序码而已。)
• 定义实验配置,在config.yml档中,根据要求,设置好对应的参数要求。


# Config_detail.yml 范例。将所有超参同时放在一个YML档案,比较好说明及理解。

# This example shows more configurable fields comparing to the minimal "config.yml"
# You can use "nnictl create --config config_detailed.yml" to launch this experiment.
# If you see an error message saying "port 8080 is used", 
# use "nnictl stop --all" to stop previous experiments.

experimentName: MNIST           # An optional name to help you distinguish experiments.

# Hyper-parameter search space can either be configured here or in a seperate file.
# "config.yml" shows how to specify a seperate search space file.
# The common schema of search space is documented here:
#   https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/stable/Tutorial/SearchSpaceSpec.html

    _type: choice
    _value: [16, 32, 64, 128]
    _type: choice
    _value: [128, 256, 512, 1024]
    _type: choice
    _value: [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
    _type: uniform
    _value: [0, 1]

trialCommand: python3 mnist.py  
# The command to launch a trial. NOTE: change "python3" to "python" if you are using Windows.

trialCodeDirectory: .             
# The path of trial code. 
# By default it's ".", which means the same directory of this config file.

trialGpuNumber: 1               
# How many GPUs should each trial use. CUDA is required when it's greater than zero.

trialConcurrency: 4            # Run 4 trials concurrently.
maxTrialNumber: 10             # Generate at most 10 trials.
maxExperimentDuration: 1h      # Stop generating trials after 1 hour.

# Configure the tuning algorithm.
  name: TPE            
  # Supported algorithms: TPE, Random, Anneal, Evolution, GridSearch, GPTuner, PBTTuner, etc.
  # Full list:  https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tuner/BuiltinTuner.html
  classArgs:                # Algorithm specific arguments. See the tuner's doc for details.
  optimize_mode: maximize   #   "minimize" or "maximize"

# Configure the training platform.
# Supported platforms: local, remote, openpai, aml, kubeflow, kubernetes, adl.
  platform: local
  useActiveGpu: false           
  # NOTE: Use "true" if you are using an OS with graphical interface 
  # (e.g. Windows 10, Ubuntu desktop)
  # Reason and details:
  # https://nni.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/experiment_config.html#useactivegpu

• 主程序 line159,nni开头的码。
• def main(args) 函数中,有两行 nni开头的码(line 118 and 123),这是和NNI沟通的码。


nni/mnist.py at master · microsoft/nni · GitHub


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