Day 04: 进入主题前的补充:SOLID


当决定铁人赛的题目是 Design Patterns 时,除了先 Google 看看网路的文章、心得之外,我会去看天珑书店的网站,寻找该领域的专业书籍,於是乎,我先找寻「Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software」,当然,时间有限的情况下,优先选择中文版本,在网页上除了「物件导向设计模式」之外,还另外推荐两本书,分别是「深入浅出设计模式」与「大话设计模式」。购入这三本书之後,「物件导向设计模式」翻没几页就先暂时搁下,没有背景知识下阅读起来不轻松。反倒是「深入浅出设计模式」与「大话设计模式」则完全不同,在浅显易懂的文字带领下,慢慢领略、欣赏设计模式的美好。

其中,有五个原则这两本书中不断被提及,搭配 Google 後才了解到,SOLID,就是这五个原则取第一个字母组合而成,实际阅读、理解後,觉得这些原则可说是设计模式之所以这样实作的前提,可以这麽说,遵守 SOLID 原则的不一定有某个模式,而实作某个模式的,则可以看到 SOLID 的身影。



参考中文 Wiki 资料(连结),提倡者是 Clean Code 的作者 Robert C. Martin。

S, Single Responsibility Principle, SRP,单一职责原则

英文 Wiki 定义(连结):

The single-responsibility principle (SRP) is a computer-programming principle that states that every module, class or function in a computer program should have responsibility over a single part of that program's functionality, and it should encapsulate that part. All of that module, class or function's services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.

简单来说,让模组、类别或是函式的功能单一化,不要有包山包海的功能。用商学院的概念,可以联想到「Jobs To Be Done」,人们需要这个产品是因为要完成某件事。同理,当使用模组、类别或是函式时,是因为要完成某个需求才呼叫它们。

O, The Open/Closed Principle, OCP,开放-封闭原则

英文 Wiki 定义(连结):

In object-oriented programming, the open–closed principle states "software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification"; that is, such an entity can allow its behaviour to be extended without modifying its source code.


L, Liskov Substitution Principle, LSP,里氏替换原则

英文 Wiki 定义(连结):

Liskov substitution principle (LSP), or Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming stating that, in a computer program, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., an object of type T may be substituted with any object of a subtype S) without altering any of the desirable properties of the program (correctness, task performed, etc.).


I, Interface Segregation Principle, ISP,介面隔离原则

英文 Wiki 定义(连结):

In the field of software engineering, the interface-segregation principle (ISP) states that no client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use. ISP splits interfaces that are very large into smaller and more specific ones so that clients will only have to know about the methods that are of interest to them.

简单来说,避免制造出通用的 Interface,反而是尽可能制造小的 Interface 好满足特定需求。用现实来说,动物的跑步,不该用一个包含全部的 Interface,反而要设计两条腿跑步的 Interface、四条腿的、昆虫的等等。
这段 JavaScript 开发者来说有点陌生,在物件导向语言中,因为大部分只允许单一物件继承,但偏偏有些方法来自不同物件时,可以使用 Interface 存放将不同类别的共通拥有的方法,且 Interface 允许多重实作,这带来的好处是提供开发者开发上的弹性。

D, Dependency Inversion Principle, DIP,依赖反转原则

英文 Wiki 定义(连结):

In object-oriented design, the dependency inversion principle is a specific form of loosely coupling software modules. When following this principle, the conventional dependency relationships established from high-level, policy-setting modules to low-level, dependency modules are reversed, thus rendering high-level modules independent of the low-level module implementation details.

简单来说,在设计物件的继承上,尽可能将概念性的内容取出成抽象性的东西(像是 Abstract Class 或 Interface)。在开发上因为将精华的部分萃取出来,後续在实作上、继承上能尽可能避免高耦合的情况。
这段 JavaScript 开发者来说有点陌生、不好理解,因为 JavaScript 没有 Abstract Class、Interface,导致後续实作 Patterns 时,JavaScript 将省略这一块。


对 JavaScript 开发者来说,这五个原则中,SRP 和 OCP 是相对容易遵守的,另外三个则因为语言特色(缺乏虚拟层)导致不太容易遵守。但这没影响,原则的功用是了解概念後学习如何运用,不需要墨守成规。

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>>:  [Day 03] if条件、缩排规则、函式写法,以及一些字串技巧

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