#19 JS: Modified functions & how function create spaces

Modified functions(变形函式)

Before introducing modified function, let's recall our memory about the "basic function":

function add(n1,n2) {

And this is how a modified function look like:

var add=function (n1,n2) { 
add(1,100); // → call the function 
var test=add; // → didn't call the function, so it purely input the data into the variable above.

The meanings behind these two functions are actually the same, but the modified one input the function into the variable. We can say that function is a kind of data as well.

Function block creates space

  • With function block, it creates a new space for coding.
  • 2 spaces: global variable(全域变数 or 全域空间) and local variable(区域变数 or 区域空间)
var x=13; // → global variable
function test() { // → local variable
    var y=7;
    var x=1;

External code can not use the local variable, but local variable can use global variable.
For example, if we don't declare the x variable at local variable, var x=13 will still be operated right away.

var x=13;
function test() { 
    var y=7;

Music of Today: Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay


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