Day4 Let's ODOO: Model(1) Class & Attribute



在models/ import res.student

from . import res.student


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from odoo import api, models, fields

class ResStudent(models.Model):
	_name = 'res.student'
    _inherit = 'res.partner'
    _description = 'Student'

		nickname = fields.Char(string='绰号')
		score = fields.Float(string='学期平均')
		birthday = fields.Date(string='生日', required=True)
		school = fields.Many2one('', string='所属学校')
		gender = fields.Selection([("male", "Male"), ("female", "Female"), ("other", "Other")], string='性别')
		is_leadership = fields.Boolean(default=False)

Model Class


  • Model :最常用的型别,在安装addon时会对应Model产生表和栏位,一般来说没有特殊需求就会宣告成这个型别。

    class Model(AbstractModel):
        """ Main super-class for regular database-persisted Odoo models.
        Odoo models are created by inheriting from this class::
            class user(Model):
        The system will later instantiate the class once per database (on
        which the class' module is installed).
        _auto = True                # automatically create database backend
        _register = False           # not visible in ORM registry, meant to be python-inherited only
        _abstract = False           # not abstract
        _transient = False          # not transient
  • TransientModel: 产生的资料作为临时资料使用,一段时间以後ODOO变会清除里面的资料,一般用来建立wizard。

    class TransientModel(Model):
        """ Model super-class for transient records, meant to be temporarily
        persistent, and regularly vacuum-cleaned.
        A TransientModel has a simplified access rights management, all users can
        create new records, and may only access the records they created. The
        superuser has unrestricted access to all TransientModel records.
        _auto = True                # automatically create database backend
        _register = False           # not visible in ORM registry, meant to be python-inherited only
        _abstract = False           # not abstract
        _transient = True           # transient
  • AbstractModel: 即是最原本的BaseModel,不会新增栏位及储存资料,透过继承其他model来新增功能。

    AbstractModel = BaseModel

Model Attribute


  • _name: model名称,也会依照此名称建立资料表,要注意的是中间必须以. 分隔,如上述例子中的res.student,ODOO便会创立一个名为「res_student」的资料表,若name为空,则会在原本继承的资料表中扩增栏位。
  • _inherit: 继承model名称,如范例继承了res_partner model。
  • _inherits: 以特定栏位继承原本的表,会透过id参考回去原本的表。
  • _description: model叙述。
  • _table: 此model产生资料表的名称,通常不会额外设定,会由_name 自动产生对应的资料表。
  • _order: 填入fields name,再观察资料表的时候就会以此排序,如填入birthday 在ODOO观看时便会依照学生生日排序,预设是照id 排序。


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