Day 03 Benefits and Constraints of Embedded Systems

  1. Compare and contrast CPU, MCU, and embedded system
  2. Role of embedded systems in IoT and the context of ubiquitous computing
  3. Challenges of incorporating embedded devices into IoT systems
  4. Benefits of microcontroller-based embedded systems
  5. Important trade-offs of embedded systems(such as cost and performance)
  6. Characteristics of Arm architecture and processors as core embedded systems components for the IoT

<<:  Day3 Virtual DOM vs Actual DOM

>>:  [Day 04] C#轻松取得IV值&实作SHA256 - [C#]丰收款API必备前置作业(三)

Day9 职训(机器学习与资料分析工程师培训班): python、 php结合highchart

上午: Python程序设计 老师此次课程教学for回圈, List comprehension, ...

我的 QA 道路之你怎麽又被炒了

嗨各位~ 今天是今年的最後一天, 这篇想来分享一下我自身QA的经历, 我知道你们想看的是到底为甚麽会...

Day15 - 模型评估 part2


【Day28】[演算法]-桶排序法Bucket Sort

桶排序法(Bucket Sort),与前面几篇的排序法不一样,前面都是经由两两互相比较而成的排序,称...

[Day12] 为了摆脱菜鸟C#後端 -到底什麽是Delegate?Func<T, TResult>?

测试打了"OrderCreate"(建立订单)服务後, 昨天我们尝试(使用AES...