Day 1 - Series Overview

In this series, I want to introduce some concepts of the C programming language which I think is important.

In the first step, I will introduce how to compile a program and the workflow during compiling, because there are many useful options in the gcc no matter what you need to do that can bring some important prompts and features.

These tools must be installed

  1. gcc (optional version, but not too old)
  2. gdb (this is a useful debug tool)

Your operating system
OS (optional, Mac, Linux, Windows and so on)

We will see how to compile a program with some useful options tomorrow.

<<:  DAY5 [C++程序语言简介]

>>:  Day06 - 随意玩之 OrderQuery/OrderPayQuery

Day 22:多国语言

JUCE 处理多国语言的机制,关键在 juce::LocalisedStrings 类别。 为支援多...

(29) 试着学 Hexo - 奇淫技巧 - 快速上传你的图片到 imgur

前言 接下来来讲讲如何透过 VSCode 快速上传图片到 imgur 吧! imgur 前面章节「(...


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[Day - 20] - Spring 一日优雅组态配置就上手

前提摘要 无论何种系统,都需要有一个组态设定的位置,Spring很贴心的提供预设*.properie...

VMware guest搬迁後,windows server VPN功能失效

大家好, 本人有台Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard一直於Vmware ...