D27 - 用 Swift 和公开资讯,打造投资理财的 Apps { 三大法人成交比重实作.2 }

先制作出简单的一个 VC 上面显示取得的三大法人资料的日期。

拉出两个 Button、一个 state label、一个装载 pie chart view 的 container view。

这边需要了解三大法人成交金额的数据出来的时间,是在下午三点。而前面所做的每日市场成交资讯的公布时间,并不一定和三大法人成交金额同时出来(详细时间要测测看)。因为这样的时间差,有可能在你滑进三大法人页面时,取得的资料还在前一个交易日,但当下已经有现在交易日的台股总成交量金额。所以计算的时候,不可以拿最新的台股成交量当分母,一定要用拉取最新的三大法人资讯日期为 key,然後去查这个 key 的当日台股成交值是多少。

也因为有可能当下手机的时间和三大法人资料的日期不同,所以这个页面最上方的 Label 是用来显示资料的时间。



从 csv 档来的资料有下面这六项

    case dealersForProprietary //自营商自行买卖
    case dealersHedge//自营商(避险)
    case securitiesInvestorForTrust//投信
    case foreignInvestorWithoutForeignDealer // 外资及陆资不含外资自营商
    case foreignDealers //外资自营商
    case total //总计

但是,我们要的是[自营商]、[投信]、[外资]、[总计] 这四项而已,所以数据要处理。

宣告一个专门用於这个 pie chart 的 data model

/// 只有三大法人,没有细项
enum ThreeMajorInvestorType {
    case dealers //自营商
    case securitiesInvestorForTrust //投信
    case foreign //外资
    case total //总计

class ThreeMajorInvestorInfo {
    let type : ThreeMajorInvestorType
    var totalBuy: Double = 0
    var totalSell: Double = 0
    var difference: Double = 0
    init(type: ThreeMajorInvestorType) {
        self.type = type
    func getItemName() -> String {
        switch type {
        case .foreign:
            return "外资"
        case .dealers:
            return "自营"
        case .securitiesInvestorForTrust:
            return "投资"
        case .total:
            return "总合"

totalBuy, totalSell, difference 需要宣告成 var 的原因,是在合并的时候,我们要累加。

计算的 func 如下,在计算上,可以看到重复且类似的程序码,这边就让读都自行优化了

/// 取得三大法人 自营商的总和项目
    private func getDealerInfo(detailMajorInfos: [MajorInvestor]) -> ThreeMajorInvestorInfo {
        let info = ThreeMajorInvestorInfo(type: .dealers)
        for each in detailMajorInfos {
            // Dealer 自营商有两项 1.自行买卖 2.避险
            if each.typeString.contains("Dealer") {
                info.totalBuy += each.totalBuy
                info.totalSell += each.totalSell
                info.difference += each.difference
        return info
    /// 取得三大法人 投信的总和项目
    private func getSecuritiesTrustCompany(detailMajorInfos: [MajorInvestor]) -> ThreeMajorInvestorInfo {
        let info = ThreeMajorInvestorInfo(type: .securitiesInvestorForTrust)
        for each in detailMajorInfos {
            // 投信
            if each.typeString.contains("Securities") {
                info.totalBuy += each.totalBuy
                info.totalSell += each.totalSell
                info.difference += each.difference
        return info
    /// 取得三大法人 外资的总和项目
    private func getForeignInvestor(detailMajorInfos: [MajorInvestor]) -> ThreeMajorInvestorInfo {
        let info = ThreeMajorInvestorInfo(type: .foreign)
        for each in detailMajorInfos {
            // 外资
            if each.typeString.contains("Foreign") {
                info.totalBuy += each.totalBuy
                info.totalSell += each.totalSell
                info.difference += each.difference
        return info
    /// 取得三大法人 total 的项目
    private func getTotalInfo(detailMajorInfos: [MajorInvestor]) -> ThreeMajorInvestorInfo {
        let info = ThreeMajorInvestorInfo(type: .total)
        for each in detailMajorInfos {
            if each.typeString.contains("Total") {
                info.totalBuy = each.totalBuy
                info.totalSell = each.totalSell
                info.difference = each.difference
        return info
    /// 这边有可优化空间
    private func calculate(detailMajorInfos: [MajorInvestor]) -> TotalMajorInvestorInfo {
        let dealer = getDealerInfo(detailMajorInfos: detailMajorInfos)
        let securitiesTrustCompany = getSecuritiesTrustCompany(detailMajorInfos: detailMajorInfos)
        let foreign = getForeignInvestor(detailMajorInfos: detailMajorInfos)
        let total = getTotalInfo(detailMajorInfos: detailMajorInfos)
        let threeMajor = TotalMajorInvestorInfo(dealers: dealer, securitiesInvestorForTrust: securitiesTrustCompany, foreign: foreign, total: total)
        return threeMajor

接着在 VC 加上一个 property

private var totalMajorInvestorInfo: TotalMajorInvestorInfo?

左边的按钮在计算完,把值赋於 totalMajorInvestorInfo

// MARK: - IBAction
    @IBAction func calculateButtonDidTap(_ sender: Any) {
        let threeMajorInvestors = calculate(detailMajorInfos: self.majorInvestors)
        self.totalMajorInvestorInfo = threeMajorInvestors

可以再顺手做一下三大法人进出总金额的计算,并把结果放在 UI 上

private func updateCalculateUI() {
        var text = "计算完毕  "
        let unit = 100_000_000 //亿
        if let total = totalMajorInvestorInfo?.total {
            let item = total.getItemName()
            let buy = Int(total.totalBuy) / unit
            let sell = Int(total.totalSell) / unit
            let diff = Int(total.difference) / unit
            text += " \(item): - 买进:\(buy) 亿, 卖出:\(sell) 亿, 买卖差:\(diff) 亿,"
        calculateLabel.text = text

那 button 发动的程序码如下

// MARK: - IBAction
    @IBAction func calculateButtonDidTap(_ sender: Any) {
        let threeMajorInvestors = calculate(detailMajorInfos: self.majorInvestors)
        self.totalMajorInvestorInfo = threeMajorInvestors
        updateCalculateUI() // 和前面的 button 程序码比起来,只差这一行

<<:  如果Pod应用程序出事情的话,还是做一下健康检查

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