Day 19 网页分析 - Web Application Analysis (Wapiti)



  • Database Injection (PHP/ASP/JSP SQL Injections and XPath Injections)
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS) reflected and permanent
  • File disclosure detection (local and remote include, require, fopen, readfile…)
  • Command Execution detection (eval(), system(), passtru()…)
  • XXE (Xml eXternal Entity) injection
  • CRLF Injection
  • Search for potentially dangerous files on the server (thank to the Nikto db)
  • Bypass of weak htaccess configurations
  • Search for copies (backup) of scripts on the server
  • Shellshock
  • DirBuster like
  • Server Side Request Forgery (through use of an external Wapiti website)


     __    __            _ _   _ _____
    / / /\ \ \__ _ _ __ (_) |_(_)___ /
    \ \/  \/ / _` | '_ \| | __| | |_ \
     \  /\  / (_| | |_) | | |_| |___) |
      \/  \/ \__,_| .__/|_|\__|_|____/
Wapiti-3.0.4 (
[*] Be careful! New moon tonight.
usage: wapiti [-h] [-u URL] [--scope {page,folder,domain,url,punk}]
              [-m MODULES_LIST] [--list-modules] [--update] [-l LEVEL]
              [-p PROXY_URL] [--tor] [-a CREDENTIALS]
              [--auth-type {basic,digest,kerberos,ntlm,post}]
              [-c COOKIE_FILE] [--skip-crawl] [--resume-crawl]
              [--flush-attacks] [--flush-session] [--store-session PATH]
              [--store-config PATH] [-s URL] [-x URL] [-r PARAMETER]
              [--skip PARAMETER] [-d DEPTH] [--max-links-per-page MAX]
              [--max-files-per-dir MAX] [--max-scan-time SECONDS]
              [--max-attack-time SECONDS] [--max-parameters MAX] [-S FORCE]
              [-t SECONDS] [-H HEADER] [-A AGENT] [--verify-ssl {0,1}]
              [--color] [-v LEVEL] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUPUT_PATH]
              [--external-endpoint EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL]
              [--internal-endpoint INTERNAL_ENDPOINT_URL]
              [--endpoint ENDPOINT_URL] [--no-bugreport] [--version]
wapiti: error: one of the arguments -u/--url --list-modules --update is required


wapiti -o wapiti_result -f html -u


This scan has been saved in the file /home/kali/.wapiti/scans/
[*] Wapiti found 3 URLs and forms during the scan
[*] Loading modules:
         backup, blindsql, brute_login_form, buster, cookieflags, crlf, csp, csrf, exec, file, htaccess, http_headers, methods, nikto, permanentxss, redirect, shellshock, sql, ssrf, wapp, xss, xxe
Problem with local wapp database.
Downloading from the web...

[*] Launching module csp
CSP is not set

[*] Launching module http_headers
Checking X-Frame-Options :
X-Frame-Options is not set
Checking X-XSS-Protection :
X-XSS-Protection is not set
Checking X-Content-Type-Options :
X-Content-Type-Options is not set
Checking Strict-Transport-Security :
Strict-Transport-Security is not set

[*] Launching module cookieflags
Checking cookie : PHPSESSID
HttpOnly flag is not set in the cookie : PHPSESSID
Secure flag is not set in the cookie : PHPSESSID
Checking cookie : security
HttpOnly flag is not set in the cookie : security
Secure flag is not set in the cookie : security

[*] Launching module exec

[*] Launching module file

[*] Launching module sql

[*] Launching module xss

[*] Launching module ssrf
[*] Asking endpoint URL for results, please wait...

[*] Launching module redirect

[*] Launching module blindsql

[*] Launching module permanentxss

A report has been generated in the file wapiti_result
Open wapiti_result/ with a browser to see this report.


open wapiti_result/




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