Day 19: Recap Google Cloud Platform

Backup 文章

Review Day [11,12,13,14,15]

Day# Title Status
Day11 QwikLabs little update
Day12 ML APIs on Google Cloud A-ok
Day13 Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Operations Suite: Challenge Lab Enhance...
Day14 Draft big update
Day15 GCP-Storage A-ok

Update Day 11&14 ...

Day 11-QwikLabs 曾提到的issue解决啦!
只是没有立即在隔天Update QQ
趁着Recap Day来分享个 XD

在QwikLabs中,右下有Chat可立即与QwikLabs support反应。
一开始我是Contact [email protected],但依照support给的指示,还是没有get 活动给的credits,後来直接在QwikLabs的Chat中再次反应,记得用日文或英文,如果是中文的话QwikLabs无法处理!
厘清是参加哪个活动後,描述遇到的问题後... QwikLabs

We request you to sign out of the Qwiklabs account and follow these steps. Also use your unique access code properly.

Here are the redemption steps for the 30 days of Google Cloud program:

  1. Open the incognito window on your browser. (CTRL/CMD+SHIFT+N).
  2. Go to this link ( and put this unique access code:EDUCR-30-DAYS-IN::XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the popup asking for access code.
  3. Now, sign in to your Qwiklabs account.
  4. Now, if you click the profile icon on the top right corner, you can see now that you have 9 credits to get started.
  5. Once you have the 9 credits, click on the Enroll on this on-demand quest, click on the "A Tour of Qwiklabs and Google Cloud" and then click on the green "Start Lab".
  6. Now follow the steps given in the lab & complete it. (Spend at least 5 minutes in the lab) Once you finish this lab, click on the "End Lab" button, you will automatically get a one month free pass credited to your account.
  7. Bonus - To get your second free month pass for Qwiklabs, complete any one of the Quests featured in the Program Syllabus and earn the badge.
  8. To check for the subscription you have received, please visit this link ( .

关键在於登出Google Account,并用无痕开网页,
用初始的 9 credits 完成一Lab(Start Lab && End Lab),
则可以得到Monthly Subscription。

Day 14-Draft
9/29 是工作的最後一天(欢呼),处理交接以及办公室收拾,所以比较忙,
且没有备料,所以就拿出之前已写好的GCP ML+Storage+Monitor的Draft。

这份Draft是为了写ML,Storage,Monitor各一份公云指引(Use case),也就是教还不知道GCP的夥伴,看着说明可以顺利完成或了解公云的操作。


  1. ML
  2. Storage
  3. Monitor

Enhance Day 13 !

<<:  Burnup/Down Chart

>>:  Day 19 To Do List - 加入逻辑 2

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