[神经机器翻译理论与实作] 将Encoder、Decoder和Attention统统包起来


今天的任务只有一个:采用物件导向设计法将附带注意力机制的 seq2seq 神经网络封装起来


物件导向程序设计( object-oriented programming, OOP )让程序具有描述抽象概念的能力,相当於人类具有抽象思考的行为。

类别( class )与物件( object ):

  • 类别拥有某些特定特性与功能的抽象概念,例如手机有制造商、型号、出厂年份等特性( attributes ),也能拨打电话、照相、上网等功能( methods )。不同程序语言称呼特性及功能的方式略有差异,在 Python 当中特性被称作属性( attribute ),功能则被称为方法( method )。
  • 物件则是拥有类别所描述抽象化概念的实体化( instantiation )结果,例如不到两周前刚发表的手机 iPhone 13 Pro 就是手机这个类别的实物。

Python 也具有物件导向的概念,其类别成员( attributesmethods )的访问( access )权限由宽松到严格又分为 publicprotectedprivate 三种,可藉由 name mangling 的方式修改成员名称来制定不同等级的访问权限。然而关於物件导向的细节就不在这里详细描述了,有兴趣的小夥伴可以参考本篇最下方文章[3]。

物件导向三大特性:封装( encapsulation )、继承( heritance )、多型( polymorphism


In object-oriented programming (OOP), encapsulation refers to the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data, or the restricting of direct access to some of an object's components. Encapsulation is used to hide the values or state of a structured data object inside a class, preventing direct access to them by clients in a way that could expose hidden implementation details or violate state invariance maintained by the methods.






from tensorflow.keras import Input
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, Dense, LSTM, Embedding, Dot, Activation, concatenate
import pydot as pyd
from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model

我们先定义 LuongAttention 类别,其继承了 tf.keras.layers.Layer

class LuongAttention(Layer):
    Luong attention layer.
    def __init__(self, latent_dim, tgt_wordEmbed_dim):
        self.AttentionFunction = Dot(axes = [2, 2], name = "attention_function")
        self.SoftMax = Activation("softmax", name = "softmax_attention")
        self.WeightedSum = Dot(axes = [2, 1], name = "weighted_sum")
        self.dense_tanh = Dense(latent_dim, use_bias = False, activation = "tanh", name = "dense_tanh")
        self.dense_softmax = Dense(tgt_wordEmbed_dim, use_bias = False, activation = "softmax", name = "dense_softmax")

    def call(self, enc_outputs_top, dec_outputs_top):
        attention_scores = self.AttentionFunction([enc_outputs_top, dec_outputs_top])
        attenton_weights = self.SoftMax(attention_scores)
        context_vec = self.WeightedSum([attenton_weights, enc_outputs_top])
        ht_context_vec = concatenate([context_vec, dec_outputs_top], name = "concatentated_vector")
        attention_vec = self.dense_tanh(ht_context_vec)
        return attention_vec

接下来定义 Encoder 类别,和 LuongAttention 一样亦为 tf.keras.layers.Layer 的子类别( subclass ):

class Encoder(Layer):
    2-layer Encoder LSTM with/ without attention mechanism.
    def __init__(self, latent_dim, src_wordEmbed_dim, src_max_seq_length):
        # self.inputs = Input(shape = (src_max_seq_length, src_wordEmbed_dim), name = "encoder_inputs")
        self.latent_dim = latent_dim
        self.embedding_dim = src_wordEmbed_dim
        self.max_seq_length = src_max_seq_length
        self.lstm_input = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = True, return_state = True, name = "1st_layer_enc_LSTM")
        self.lstm = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = False, return_state = True, name = "2nd_layer_enc_LSTM")
        self.lstm_return_seqs = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = True, return_state = True, name = "2nd_layer_enc_LSTM")

    def call(self, inputs, withAttention = False):
        outputs_1, h1, c1 = self.lstm_input(inputs)
        if withAttention:
            outputs_2, h2, c2 = self.lstm_return_seqs(outputs_1)
            outputs_2, h2, c2 = self.lstm(outputs_1)
        states = [h1, c1, h2, h2]
        return outputs_2, states

然後是 Decoder 类别:

class Decoder(Layer):
    2-layer Decoder LSTM with/ without attention mechanism.
    def __init__(self, latent_dim, tgt_wordEmbed_dim, tgt_max_seq_length):
        self.latent_dim = latent_dim
        self.embedding_dim = tgt_wordEmbed_dim
        self.max_seq_length = tgt_max_seq_length
        self.lstm_input = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = True, return_state = True, name = "1st_layer_dec_LSTM")
        self.lstm_return_no_states = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = True, return_state = False, name = "2nd_layer_dec_LSTM")
        self.lstm = LSTM(units = latent_dim, return_sequences = True, return_state = True, name = "2nd_layer_dec_LSTM")
        self.dense = Dense(tgt_wordEmbed_dim, activation = "softmax", name = "softmax_dec_LSTM")

    def call(self, inputs, enc_states, enc_outputs_top = None, withAttention = False):
        # unpack encoder states [h1, c1, h2, c2]
        enc_h1, enc_c1, enc_h2, enc_c2 = enc_states

        outputs_1, h1, c1 = self.lstm_input(inputs, initial_state = [enc_h1, enc_c1])
        if withAttention:
            # instantiate Luong attention layer
            attention_layer = LuongAttention(latent_dim = self.latent_dim, tgt_wordEmbed_dim = self.max_seq_length)

            dec_outputs_top = self.lstm_return_no_states(outputs_1, initial_state = [enc_h2, enc_c2])
            attention_vec = attention_layer(dec_outputs_top, enc_outputs_top)
            outputs_final = self.dense_softmax(attention_vec)
            outputs_2, h2, c2 = self.lstm(outputs_1, initial_state = [enc_h2, enc_c2])
            outputs_final = self.dense(outputs_2)
        return outputs_final

以上定义完了神往网络层,接着定义模型本身 My_Seq2Seq ,其继承了 tf.keras.models.Model 类别:

class My_Seq2Seq(Model):
    2-Layer LSTM Encoder-Decoder with/ without Luong attention mechanism.
    def __init__(self, latent_dim, src_wordEmbed_dim, src_max_seq_length, tgt_wordEmbed_dim, tgt_max_seq_length, model_name = None, withAttention = False,
 input_text_processor = None, output_text_processor = None):
        super().__init__(name = model_name)
        self.encoder = Encoder(latent_dim, src_wordEmbed_dim, src_max_seq_length)
        self.decoder = Decoder(latent_dim, tgt_wordEmbed_dim, tgt_max_seq_length)
        self.input_text_processor = input_text_processor
        self.output_text_processor = output_text_processor
        self.withAttention = withAttention

    def call(self, enc_inputs, dec_inputs):
        enc_outputs, enc_states = self.encoder(enc_inputs)
        dec_outputs = self.decoder(inputs = dec_inputs, enc_states = enc_states, enc_outputs_top = enc_outputs, withAttention = self.withAttention)
        return dec_outputs

    def plot_model_arch(self, enc_inputs, dec_inputs, outfile_path = None):
        tmp_model = Model(inputs = [enc_inputs, dec_inputs], outputs = self.call(enc_inputs, dec_inputs))
        plot_model(tmp_model, to_file = outfile_path, dpi = 100, show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True)


if __name__ == "__main__":

    # hyperparameters
    src_wordEmbed_dim = 18
    src_max_seq_length = 4
    tgt_wordEmbed_dim = 27
    tgt_max_seq_length = 12
    latent_dim = 256

    # specifying data shapes
    enc_inputs = Input(shape = (src_max_seq_length, src_wordEmbed_dim))
    dec_inputs = Input(shape = (tgt_max_seq_length, tgt_wordEmbed_dim))

    # instantiate My_Seq2Seq class
    seq2seq = My_Seq2Seq(latent_dim, src_wordEmbed_dim, src_max_seq_length, tgt_wordEmbed_dim, tgt_max_seq_length, withAttention = True, model_name = "seq2seq_no_attention")
    # build model
    dec_outputs = seq2seq(
        enc_inputs = Input(shape = (src_max_seq_length, src_wordEmbed_dim)),
        dec_inputs = Input(shape = (tgt_max_seq_length, tgt_wordEmbed_dim))
    print("model name: {}".format(seq2seq.name))
    seq2seq.plot_model_arch(enc_inputs, dec_inputs, outfile_path = "output/seq2seq_LSTM_with_attention.png")

类别虽然定义好了,但执行起来还有一些 bug /images/emoticon/emoticon06.gif



  1. 除虫!
  2. alignment matrix 呈现输入单词与目标单词之间的关联性
  3. 比较有无附带注意力机制的 seq2seq 翻译模型之预测准确度



  1. Attention? Attention!
  2. 什麽是OO?物件导向与封装
  3. Python进阶技巧 (1) — Private member on Python
  4. Neural machine translation with attention | TensorFlow

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