[Day 24] BDD - godog 小试身手

godog 简介

godog是Cucumber官方的Golang BDD(Behaviour-Driven Development)框架,它将规范和测试文件二合一,使用 Gherkin 格式的场景,格式为 Given, When, Then。



godog 起手式

设定go module

建立一个资料夹 - mkdir godogs

进入资料夹内 - cd godogs

go mod init godog - go mod init godogs

安装 godog

安装godog执行档 - go get github.com/cucumber/godog/cmd/godog

建立一个 gherkin feature档

建立一个features资料夹 - mkdir features

建立godogs.feature 里面描述要测试的行爲特徵 - vi features/godogs.feature


Feature: write ithome30days
  As a happy contestant 

  Scenario: Write 5 out of 30
    Given there are 30 days
    When I write 5
    Then there should be 25 remaining

建立step definitions


执行godog run
Feature: write ithome30days
  As a happy contestant

  Scenario: Write 5 out of 30         # features/godogs.feature:4
    Given there are 30 days
    When I write 5
    Then there should be 25 remaining # godogs_test.go:14 -> thereShouldBeRemaining

1 scenarios (1 undefined)
3 steps (2 undefined, 1 skipped)

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

func iWrite(arg1 int) error {
        return godog.ErrPending

func thereAreDays(arg1 int) error {
        return godog.ErrPending

func thereShouldBeRemaining(arg1 int) error {
        return godog.ErrPending

func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
        ctx.Step(`^I write (\d+)$`, iWrite)
        ctx.Step(`^there are (\d+) days$`, thereAreDays)
        ctx.Step(`^there should be (\d+) remaining$`, thereShouldBeRemaining)

然後建个测试档案,再把刚刚那些未定义的func复制到新的档案中 - vi godogs_test.go

package main

import "github.com/cucumber/godog"

func iWrite(arg1 int) error {
	return godog.ErrPending

func thereAreDays(arg1 int) error {
	return godog.ErrPending

func thereShouldBeRemaining(arg1 int) error {
	return godog.ErrPending

func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
	ctx.Step(`^I write (\d+)$`, iWrite)
	ctx.Step(`^there are (\d+) days$`, thereAreDays)
	ctx.Step(`^there should be (\d+) remaining$`, thereShouldBeRemaining)


- features
  - godogs.feature
- go.mod
- go.sum
- godogs_test.go

再执行一次godog - godog


Feature: write ithome30days
  As a happy contestant

  Scenario: Write 5 out of 30         # features/godogs.feature:4
    Given there are 30 days           # godogs_test.go:10 -> thereAreDays
      TODO: write pending definition
    When I write 5                    # godogs_test.go:6 -> iWrite
    Then there should be 25 remaining # godogs_test.go:14 -> thereShouldBeRemaining

1 scenarios (1 pending)
3 steps (1 pending, 2 skipped)

你可以直接把 return godog.ErrPending 改为 return nil 让场景测试成功通过


建立一个godogs.go档案并将当作main - vi godogs.go

package main

// Godogs available to eat
var Godogs int

func main() { /* usual main func */ }


- features
  - godogs.feature
- go.mod
- go.sum
- godogs.go
- godogs_test.go



调整一下 godogs_test.go 内容。

package main

import (


func thereAreGodogs(available int) error {
	Godogs = available
	return nil

func iEat(num int) error {
	if Godogs < num {
		return fmt.Errorf("you cannot eat %d godogs, there are %d available", num, Godogs)
	Godogs -= num
	return nil

func thereShouldBeRemaining(remaining int) error {
	if Godogs != remaining {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected %d godogs to be remaining, but there is %d", remaining, Godogs)
	return nil

func InitializeTestSuite(sc *godog.TestSuiteContext) {
	sc.BeforeSuite(func() { Godogs = 0 })

func InitializeScenario(sc *godog.ScenarioContext) {
	sc.Before(func(ctx context.Context, sc *godog.Scenario) (context.Context, error) {
		Godogs = 0 // clean the state before every scenario

		return ctx, nil

	sc.Step(`^there are (\d+) godogs$`, thereAreGodogs)
	sc.Step(`^I eat (\d+)$`, iEat)
	sc.Step(`^there should be (\d+) remaining$`, thereShouldBeRemaining)

让我们再次执行 godog

Feature: write ithome30days
  As a happy contestant

  Scenario: Write 5 out of 30         # features/godogs.feature:4
    Given there are 30 days           # godogs_test.go:21 -> thereAreDays
    When I write 5                    # godogs_test.go:10 -> iWrite
    Then there should be 25 remaining # godogs_test.go:25 -> thereShouldBeRemaining
1 scenarios (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)

以上基本就完成一个godog BDD的简易流程罗。

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