Day 22. Hashicorp Vault: HTTP Status Codes

Hashicorp Vault: HTTP Status Codes

在使用Vault API 时,回传的HTTP status code跟一般常见的意思有一点点的差异,例如: 429一般是 Too Many Requests, 但在Vault表示Default return code for health status of standby nodes.

HTTP status codes 在Vault有哪些差异呢?可以在官网文件找到说明:

.200 - Success with data.

.204 - Success, no data returned.

.400 - Invalid request, missing or invalid data.

.403 - Forbidden, your authentication details are either incorrect, you don't have access to this feature, or - if CORS is enabled - you made a cross-origin request from an origin that is not allowed to make such requests.

.404 - Invalid path. This can both mean that the path truly doesn't exist or that you don't have permission to view a specific path. We use 404 in some cases to avoid state leakage.

.405 - Unsupported operation. You tried to use a method inappropriate to the request path, e.g. a POST on an endpoint that only accepts GETs.

.412 - Precondition failed. Returned on Enterprise when a request can't be processed yet due to some missing eventually consistent data. Should be retried, perhaps with a little backoff. See Vault Eventual Consistency.

.429 - Default return code for health status of standby nodes. This will likely change in the future.

.473 - Default return code for health status of performance standby nodes.
500 - Internal server error. An internal error has occurred, try again later. If the error persists, report a bug.

.502 - A request to Vault required Vault making a request to a third party; the third party responded with an error of some kind.

.503 - Vault is down for maintenance or is currently sealed. Try again later.

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