没想太多就用了 MongoDB 的结果 (下)

除了(中)提到的问题以外,使用久了之後,又出现其他问题,有些是在 mongoDB 里无法解决的,我们就在 application 层级解决。

变大後,首先最需要处理的就是效能问题。此外,还有 disk 大小本身也是用越多花越多钱。
所以要想办法有效应用,想办法降低 data 容量。


db.runCommand({compact: 'collection name'})

	 * We do compaction by copying blocks from the end of the file to the
	 * beginning of the file, and we need some metrics to decide if it's
	 * worth doing.  Ignore small files, and files where we are unlikely
	 * to recover 10% of the file.

	/* Sum the available bytes in the initial 80% and 90% of the file. */

	 * Skip files where we can't recover at least 1MB.
	 * If at least 20% of the total file is available and in the first 80%
	 * of the file, we'll try compaction on the last 20% of the file; else,
	 * if at least 10% of the total file is available and in the first 90%
	 * of the file, we'll try compaction on the last 10% of the file.
	 * We could push this further, but there's diminishing returns, a mostly
	 * empty file can be processed quickly, so more aggressive compaction is
	 * less useful.



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