【C#】Behavioral Patterns Memento Mode

The Memento design pattern without violating encapsulation, captures and externalizes an object‘s internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later.


学习目标: 备忘录模式的概念及实务

学习难度: ☆☆☆

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public class Player
        int money;

        public int Money
            get { return money; }

                money = value;

                Console.WriteLine("Player's Money = " + money);

        public Memento CreateMemento()
            return (new Memento(money));

        public void SetMemento(Memento memento)
            Console.WriteLine("Return to last data...");

            Money = memento.Money;

    public class Memento
        int money;

        public Memento(int money)
            this.money = money;

        public int Money
            get { return money; }

    public class Storage
        Memento memento;

        public Memento Memento
            set { memento = value; }

            get { return memento; }

    public class MainProgram
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Player player = new Player();

            player.Money = 100;

            Storage storage = new Storage();

            storage.Memento = player.CreateMemento();

            player.Money = 50;




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