【C#】Behavioral Patterns Chain of Responsibility Mode

The Chain of Responsibility design pattern avoids coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. This pattern chains the receiving objects and passes the request along the chain until an object handles it.

责任链设计模式通过为多个对象提供处理请求的机会,避免将请求的发送者与其接收者耦合~ 此模式链接接收对象沿链传递请求,直到对象处理它~ 有点像是自制版的Switch Case~

学习目标: 责任链模式的概念及实务

学习难度: ☆☆☆

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    public abstract class Handler
        protected Handler NextHandler;

        public void SetNextHandler(Handler nexthandler)
            this.NextHandler = nexthandler;

        public abstract void HandleRequest(string country);

    public class ConcreteHandler1 : Handler
        public override void HandleRequest(string country)
            if (country == "Russia")
                Console.WriteLine("Russia is Europe country");
            else if (country == "Germany")
                Console.WriteLine("Germany is Europe country");
            else if (NextHandler != null)

    public class ConcreteHandler2 : Handler
        public override void HandleRequest(string country)
            if (country == "Taiwan")
                Console.WriteLine("Taiwan is Asia country");
            else if (country == "China")
                Console.WriteLine("China is Asia country");
            else if (NextHandler != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Not found..");

    public class MainProgram
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Handler h1 = new ConcreteHandler1();

            Handler h2 = new ConcreteHandler2();

            h1.SetNextHandler(h2); //有点像指向的概念...

            string[] countries = { "Taiwan", "Russia", "China", "Russia" };

            foreach (string country in countries)
                h1.HandleRequest(country); //要求判断...



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