My experience with AWSome Day (Certification)

October 29, 2020

I’ve practiced the principle of Mobile-First, Cloud-First, for many years. Three years ago, my company decided to develop Android apps, and I was assigned to be the team leader. Ever since, app development projects have taken up all my time. I am always longing for learning new knowledge, new ideas, and personal growth. However, I have been so busy that there seems no time for taking a break, not to mention to train for the part of using Cloud services.

This year, I determined to attend the AWSome Day conference of Amazon, a training event where tech professionals and business leaders would get together to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS). I got my attendance certificate afterwards. This is considered to be my small breakthrough in the past couple of few years!

Have you been through the same experience before, too busy to learn new things? Please leave your comment below and share it with us.



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