[鼠年全马] W34 - Vue出一个旅馆预约平台(8)

这周要来将 [预约页面] 最後的 房间详细资讯 完成!!

  • [标题] (已完成)
  • [预约功能] (已完成)
  • [房间详细]
  • [Footer] (已完成)



开启 ReservationInfo.vue 先用假资料生成画面

#Step 1


  <div>Single Room</div>
    Single Room is only reserved for one guest. There is a bedroom with a
    single size bed and a private bathroom. Everything you need prepared for
    you: sheets and blankets, towels, soap and shampoo, hairdryer are
    provided. In the room there is AC and of course WiFi.
  <div>wifi , 早餐 , 电话 , 空调 , 冰箱 , 禁止吸烟 , 可带宠物</div>
      <div>checkIn 时间</div>
      <div>最晚checkout 时间</div>


#Step 2


<div class="resinfo">
  <div class="resinfotitle">预约房间:</div>
  <div class="resinfotitle">Single Room</div>
  <div class="ml-1 mt-8 resinfocontent">
    Single Room is only reserved for one guest. There is a bedroom with a
    single size bed and a private bathroom. Everything you need prepared for
    you: sheets and blankets, towels, soap and shampoo, hairdryer are
    provided. In the room there is AC and of course WiFi.
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
  <div class="pa-4 mt-11 resinfoamenities">
    <div>wifi , 早餐 , 电话 , 空调 , 冰箱 , 禁止吸烟 , 可带宠物</div>
  <div class="resinfocontent3">
      <div>checkIn 时间</div>
      <div>最晚checkout 时间</div>
.resinfo {
  margin-top: 80px;
  margin-left: 64px;
  margin-right: 112px;
.resinfotitle {
  text-align: left;
  letter-spacing: 4.16px;
  color: #707070;
  font-size: 26px;
  font-family: Adobe Hebrew Regular;
.resinfocontent {
  text-align: left;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  color: #496146;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: Adobe Hebrew Regular;
.resinfocontent2 {
  text-align: left;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  color: #496146;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: Microsoft JhengHei;
.resinfoamenities {
  background: #e3eae2 0% 0% no-repeat padding-box;
.resinfoamenities div {
  text-align: center;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  color: #496146;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-family: Microsoft JhengHei;
.resinfocontent3 div div:nth-child(1) {
  text-align: left;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  color: #496146;
  font-size: 12px;
  font-family: Microsoft JhengHei;
.resinfocontent3 div div:nth-child(2) {
  text-align: left;
  letter-spacing: 0px;
  color: #496146;
  font-size: 24px;
  font-family: Adobe Hebrew Regular;



#Step 3

接着下方时间与价格使用 d-flex 来切分
checkIn 时间 & 平日(一~四) 为一个群组
最晚checkout 时间 & 假日(五~日) 为一个群组

<div class="ml-12 mr-12 mt-8 d-flex justify-space-between resinfocontent3">
      <div>checkIn 时间</div>
    <div class="mt-4">
      <div>最晚checkout 时间</div>
    <div class="mt-4">


#Step 4

首先开启 Reservation.vueroom 传入:

<ReservationInfo :room="room" />

回到 ReservationInfo.vue 接收:

export default {
  name: "ReservationInfo",
  props: ["room"],


#Step 5


<div class="resinfo">
  <div class="resinfotitle">预约房间:</div>
  <div class="resinfotitle">{{ room.name }}</div>
  <div class="ml-1 mt-8 resinfocontent">
    {{ room.description }}
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
    <span class="ml-3">{{
      room.descriptionShort.GuestMax === room.descriptionShort.GuestMin
        ? room.descriptionShort.GuestMin
        : `${room.descriptionShort.GuestMin}~${room.descriptionShort.GuestMax}`
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
    <span class="ml-3">{{ room.descriptionShort.Footage }}</span>
  <div class="ml-1 mt-4 resinfocontent2">
    <span>{{ myContent2 }}</span>
  <div class="pa-4 mt-11 resinfoamenities">
    <div>{{ myAmenities }}</div>
  <div class="ml-12 mr-12 mt-8 d-flex justify-space-between resinfocontent3">
        <div>checkIn 时间</div>
          {{ room.checkInAndOut.checkInEarly }}
          {{ room.checkInAndOut.checkInLate }}
      <div class="mt-4">
        <div>${{ room.normalDayPrice }}</div>
        <div>最晚checkout 时间</div>
        <div>{{ room.checkInAndOut.checkOut }}</div>
      <div class="mt-4">
        <div>${{ room.holidayPrice }}</div>

这边用到了两个 computed

  • myAmenities: 这是之前在 RoomCard.vue 写的 roomAmenities,内容复制贴上就好
  • myContent2: 这是在计算床的数量跟名称,计算後组合出要呈现的字串,程序码长这样:
computed: {
  myContent2() {
    /* 计算床数 */
    let bedgroups = {}; //床的群组, 放 '床名': 数量
    //将每个床都跑一次, 如果名称已经在bedgroups就把值+1, 不在bedgroups就塞进去并让值为1
    this.room.descriptionShort.Bed.forEach(function(item) {
      if (Object.keys(bedgroups).indexOf(item) < 0) {
        bedgroups[`${item}`] = 1;
      } else {
        bedgroups[`${item}`] = bedgroups[`${item}`] + 1;

    let str = ""; //初始化回传字串

    Object.keys(bedgroups).forEach(function(item) {
      str += `${bedgroups[`${item}`]}张${item}床`;

    if (this.room.descriptionShort["Private-Bath"] > 0) {
      str += `, ${this.room.descriptionShort["Private-Bath"]}间独立卫浴`;

    return str;



到这边 [预约页面] 的画面就完成了!!


附上这次进度的云端压缩档, 执行前记得先npm install


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