Find your support group

To join a community group that is in your field and another one is not which is very important.

For me, sometimes the daily job was so routine in my earlier career that I wanted to change my job into other fields since there was no object or skill that I could learn or to grow with. However, I found out that I still learn different kinds of things outside of my working hours.

In the beginning, I joined theater training as performance and story creating. However, I give up due to not being able to hide my feelings. Then, I joined international NGO groups and conferences. There, I met some young people who are smart and know where they want to go. I always have fun with them and they are a group of people who love to share as well. Then, I started to learn yoga and cooking. A lot of things that are new, I would like to try out and see what is it as long as it does not hurt myself or anyone and does not feel uncomfortable. Then, I met someone very special who is focused on encouraging females in the IT field in all different ways. With her, I learned many things. Whenever I discuss the topic that I do not understand and see the issues. She always encourages me to host an event related to the topic or found someone who could help me out. She always gives me a lot of chances to do the things that I did not know before and encourages me or leads me to be better next time. She is always full of energy and able to see the trend of the needs before I do. Therefore, I encourage females who are interested in the IT field to join Taipei Women in Tech, Women Who Code Taipei, LTUX, or any other different programming communities that match your needs.

Those groups and connections became my super supports and sources while I felt down on the job. And, with them, I know that I could keep going and continue to learn many things.

<<:  出生第39天 打疫苗日

>>:  Day 29 -『破釜沉舟的转职路 - 去年说要成为软件工程师的我,今年 38 岁了,我成为工程师了吗?』-- 上班将近二个月了,我都在干嘛呢?

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