今年我想陪着 30 天之 28

1351. Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix

Given a m * n matrix grid which is sorted in non-increasing order both row-wise and column-wise.
Return the number of negative numbers in grid.

  • Example 1:
    Input: grid = [[4,3,2,-1],[3,2,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-2],[-1,-1,-2,-3]]
    Output: 8
    Explanation: There are 8 negatives number in the matrix.

  • Example 2:
    Input: grid = [[3,2],[1,0]]
    Output: 0

  • Example 3:
    Input: grid = [[1,-1],[-1,-1]]
    Output: 3

  • Example 4:
    Input: grid = [[-1]]
    Output: 1

var countNegatives = function(grid) {
    let num = 0;
    grid.flat().forEach(i => { 
    return num

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