Day 25. VR菜单3



If you are on 2020 or later, XR Settings is no longer in player. It is moved to XR Plug-in Management and uses the new XR SDK plug-in system.

我虽然下载了2019的Unity(LTS),是有看到openVR的package没错,但是Player那里依旧没有XR settings。所以後来我就改下载XR Plug-in那,而且他如果侦测到你有下载openVR,他会让你把它remove掉。

2019(LTS)找得到Legacy Input Helper。

然後我更新了一下关於昨天的Bug,这下终於可以继续给Button加Box Collider的component了。


  1. Left-click and drag the panel from your Hierarchy window into the slot on the LineRendererSettings script on your Capsule (Figure 21).

这句话我理解很久,他是要你把LineRendererSettings这个c#档案,作为Capsule这个gameobject的componenet (不晓得他为什麽提到panel)


Click on Edit > Project Settings and select Input. Look for the Item named Submit. Click the arrow to the left of Submit




UnassignedReferenceException: The variable panel of LineRendererSettings has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the panel variable of the LineRendererSettings script in the inspector.
UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[T] () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Runtime/Export/Scripting/GameObject.bindings.cs:28)
LineRendererSettings.Start () (at Assets/LineRendererSettings.cs:30)


更新: Bug解掉了,在第28天


<<:  [C 语言笔记--Day29] 6.S081 Lab syscall: Sysinfo ( III )

>>:  视觉化KBARS(3)-service、serviceImpl

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