[神经机器翻译理论与实作] 从头建立英中文翻译器 (V)





给定一个资料集(英、中文平行语句),为了 LSTM seq2seq 模型在该资料集上的翻译能力表现,我们依序进行下列任务:

  1. 指定原始资料集 seq_pairs_input ,其收录英文原文以及中文译文(事先给定的原始文本资料)
  2. 给定相对应该资料集的特徵资料 X_input ,其为经过 label encoding 的 [enc_inputs, dec_inputs]
  3. 针对资料集中的每一组成对的文句(语意相同英文与中文),让训练好的神经网络预测该句对(仅有一个样本的[enc_inputs, dec_inputs])
translated_sentence = pred_seq(model, single_seq_pair, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict)
  1. 比对真实文句( ground truth )以及模型翻译之文句( predicted
for i in range(n_samples):
    # extract true pair of sentences
    src_sentence, tgt_sentence = seq_pairs_input[i]
        # lists translation results of first five sentences
        if i < 5:
            print("source: {}\ntarget: {}\ntranslated: {}".format(src_sentence, tgt_sentence, translated_sentence))
  1. 计算整份文本资料的 corpus BLEU 分数以预测的 N-grams 占真实 N-grams 的比例
corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (w1, w2, w3, w4))


def eval_NMT(model, X_input, seq_pairs_input, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict):
    Evaluates trained NMT model on a given dataset
        [a few enc_inputs, a few dec_inputs]
        date type: numpy array of shape: [(n_sentences, src_max_seq_length), (n_sentences, tgt_max_seq_length)]
        source and target sentences
        data type: list of list of strings
    # Step 0: Check shape and specify max_seq_length
    print("shape of src_seqs: [{}, {}]".format(X_input[0].shape, X_input[1].shape)) # [(8000, 13), (8000, 22)]
    true, predicted = [], []

    src_max_seq_length = X_input[0].shape[1]
    tgt_max_seq_length = X_input[1].shape[1]

    # Step 1: Translate each sentence
    for i in range(X_input[0].shape[0]): # 8000
        # Step 2: Prepare training data of one sample (current sentence)
        single_seq_pair = [X_input[0][i].reshape(1, src_max_seq_length), X_input[1][i].reshape(1, tgt_max_seq_length)]
        # src_seq shape: [(?, 13), (?, 22)]
        # Step 3: Predict a single sample and creates a string of tokens
        translated_sentence = pred_seq(model, single_seq_pair, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict)
        # Step 4: Collect ground truth sentences and predicted sentences
        src_sentence, tgt_sentence = seq_pairs_input[i]
        # lists translation results of first five sentences
        if i < 5:
            print("source: {}\ntarget: {}\ntranslated: {}".format(src_sentence, tgt_sentence, translated_sentence))
    # Step 5: Calculate corpus BLEU scores on the dataset X_input
    ## Individual n-gram scores
    print("Individual 1-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (1, 0, 0, 0))))
    print("Individual 2-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (0, 1, 0, 0))))
    print("Individual 3-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (1, 1, 1, 0))))
    print("Individual 4-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (1, 0, 0, 1))))
    ## Cumulative n-gram scores
    print("Cumulative 1-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (1, 0, 0, 0))))
    print("Cumulative 2-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (.5, .5, 0, 0))))
    print("Cumulative 3-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (.33, .33, .33, 0))))
    print("Cumulative 4-gram score: {:.6f}".format(corpus_bleu(true, predicted, weights = (.25, .25, .25, .25))))

# evaluate model on training dataset
eval_NMT(eng_cn_translator, X_train, seq_pairs, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict)    

# evaluate model on training dataset
eval_NMT(eng_cn_translator, X_test, seq_pairs, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict)

我们透过在训练资料集上检视模型的 BLEU 分数来评估其翻译能力:


浏览了一下发现各个 N-gramscorpus BLEU 分数很低,让我不禁怀疑模型准确度是否极低下。



import random

def translate_rand_sentence(model, X_input, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict):
    Translates a sentence at random in a specified dataset 
    src_max_seq_length = X_input[0].shape[1]
    tgt_max_seq_length = X_input[1].shape[1]

    i = random.randint(0, X_input[0].shape[0] - 1)
    # ground truth sentences
    print("actual source sentence: {}".format(' '.join([reverse_src_vocab_dict[id] for id in X_input[0][i] if id not in [0, 1, 2]])))
    print("actual target sentence: {}".format(''.join([reverse_tgt_vocab_dict[id] for id in X_input[1][i] if id not in [0, 1, 2]])))

    # translated sentence
    one_seq_pair = [X_input[0][i].reshape(1, src_max_seq_length), X_input[1][i].reshape(1, tgt_max_seq_length)]
    print("predicted of NMT model: ", (''.join(pred_seq(model, one_seq_pair, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict).split()).lstrip("<sos>")).rstrip("<eos>"))

纵使 BLEU 分数不高,我们还是实际让模型在测试资料上随机抽选样本进行翻译,并检视翻译文句与真实文句之间的差异程度:

translate_rand_sentence(eng_cn_translator, X_test, reverse_tgt_vocab_dict)





後来我发现了 corpus BLEU 低下的原因在於我选定的文本特徵 X_input 与原始句对 seq_pairs_input 并不匹配,真是个天大的乌龙。因此明天会接着继续 debug ,各位晚安。


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