Lotus Notes to office 365

Lotus Notes to office 365 migration tool is the best and very useful provided by Weeom, everyone should use this software. The software allows users to add multiple Lotus Notes files. It allows users to migrate Lotus Notes files data into other popular formats, such as MSG and EM. It is accessible Lotus Notes data to Office 365 without losing any data.


Key Features of Weeom Lotus Notes to Office 365 Migration Tool
• It allows users to add and convert multiple NSF files in one go.
• The software can convert multiple Lotus Notes files to office 365 without any trouble.
• The software provides the option for users to export NSF files to Outlook PST files format.
• The tool has a split feature that helps to resolve the oversize files.

Visit for more information : https://www.weeom.com/lotus-notes-to-office365.php

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