Day 14. Tutorial: Create a scene flow - 10. Challenge Answer



10.Challenge: Set up the transition back to the Menu scene

Now users can get to the Main scene and exit the application from the starting menu, but at the moment they can’t get back to that menu from the Main scene.
We’ve created a Back to menu button in the Main scene, but you’ll need to get it working yourself.


  • You can find the GameObject for the button in the Canvas GameObject.
  • The Canvas GameObject has the UI Main Scene (Script) component attached — this handles the UI in the Main scene.
  • You can review the process you followed in Configure the Start button if you get stuck.
  • Test your changes in Play mode to make sure they work properly.



我在Main场景的Canvas的C# Component(UIMainScene.cs) 加入了下面的BackMenu()

# UIMainScene.cs

private void Update()

public void BackMenu()

并把Canvas里被命名为Exit的方框图形的On Click()处,让他连接上Canvas的C#档案,并选择UIMainScene.BackMenu()作为On Click()时触发的Method。



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