Anthos attach cluster

Anthos Attach Cluster (AAC) instruction
Date: 2021-09-11, Author: Microfusion - Youjun
本文件教学如何安装 k3s,做出一个自己的 kubernetes cluster,
并把这个 cluster attach 到 GCP 上面,可以从上面看到自己的 Cluster。
监控的部分(monitoring and logging),放到下个文件再说明。

所有示意图都是在 GCE 上操作,如果是自己的 VM,就请特别检查 gcloud 登入的 service account,并检查这个 service account 的权限即可。


● VM1: master node
● (optional) VM
2: worker node
● (optional): master node’s open firewall/port 6443 for communicating with the worker node
● service account with the following role
○ Connect Gateway Admin
○ GKE Connect Agent
○ GKE Hub Admin
○ Project IAM Admin
○ Service Account Admin
○ Service Account Key Admin


Create Service Account from IAM
name for service account: demo-aac
default, we don’t give it any role.
in the following step, we‘ll update its permission one by one.


Create VM from GCE
name for master node: demo-aac-master
name for worker node: demo-aac-work01, demo-aac-work02
region and location: asia-east1, asia-east1-c
Machine Type: E2-micro-medium
os: Ubuntu 18.04
standard PD 20GB
firewall: default
service account 选择我们刚刚建立的 service account。


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