Day7-三论标头档与Proxy Class

昨天有讲一个古老的设计:利用标头档将类别介面与实作拆开并预先编译用以隐藏实作细节但还是不够安全隐密,因为从标头档还是可以看到private的资料成员与方法成员,这时可用proxy class代理类别进一步隐藏来看看这好玩的范例。

第一个文件Implementation.h(10.24)中有我们要隐藏的原始码,第二个文件Interface.h(10.25)包含proxy class的介面,要注意的是有两段分别是class Implementation;定义一个Implementation类别,并在private底下宣告一个Implementation类别的指标,第三个文件Interface.cpp(10.26)是proxy class的实作,值得注意的是不仅include了Interface的介面也include了Implementation的程序码细节。


  • Fig. 10.24: Implementation.h
class Implementation 
   // constructor
   Implementation( int v )  
      : value( v ) // initialize value with v
      // empty body
   } // end constructor Implementation

   void setValue( int v )   
      value = v; // should validate v
   } // end function setValue

   int getValue() const  { 
      return value; 
   } // end function getValue
   int value; // data that we would like to hide from the client
}; // end class Implementation
  • Fig. 10.25: Interface.h
// Client sees this source code, but the source code does not reveal 
// the data layout of class Implementation.

class Implementation; // forward class declaration required by line 17

class Interface 
   Interface( int ); // constructor
   void setValue( int ); // same public interface as
   int getValue() const; // class Implementation has
   ~Interface(); // destructor
   // requires previous forward declaration (line 6)
   Implementation *ptr;   
}; // end class Interface
  • Fig. 10.26: Interface.cpp
// Implementation of class Interface--client receives this file only 
// as precompiled object code, keeping the implementation hidden.
#include "Interface.h" // Interface class definition
#include "Implementation.h" // Implementation class definition

// constructor
Interface::Interface( int v ) 
   : ptr ( new Implementation( v ) ) // initialize ptr to point to
{                                    // a new Implementation object
   // empty body
} // end Interface constructor

// call Implementation's setValue function
void Interface::setValue( int v ) 
   ptr->setValue( v ); 
} // end function setValue

// call Implementation's getValue function
int Interface::getValue() const 
   return ptr->getValue(); 
} // end function getValue

// destructor
   delete ptr; 
} // end ~Interface destructor
  • Fig. 10.27: fig10_27.cpp
// Hiding a class’s private data with a proxy class.
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

#include "Interface.h" // Interface class definition

int main()
   Interface i( 5 ); // create Interface object
   cout << "Interface contains: " << i.getValue() 
      << " before setValue" << endl;

   i.setValue( 10 );

   cout << "Interface contains: " << i.getValue() 
      << " after setValue" << endl;
   return 0;
} // end main

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>>:  Day4- Java语言编译器:javac & 运行工具:java (上)


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