SEO:关於 Custom Campaign Tracking

最近我公司 ReUbird 开始实行 Custom Campaign,开始仔细 track 所有 traffic 的来源及 Conversion。

接着我看了 Yoast 的资讯:
"You don’t have to be afraid that you’ll have to memorize the setup of these URLs. Google has made a nifty little tool that lets you create custom campaigns like this with amazing ease. You can find that tool here. All you have to do is fill in a website URL, a medium, a source and a campaign name. After that you can click “Submit” and the tool will give you your custom campaign link!

However, if you generate your custom campaign links there, the links will start with a question mark instead of a hashtag. This might seem innocent, but in fact, it’s not. A question mark has a meaning on the server side of things. **This means it’s an actual permalink (URL) in its own right. And that can create issues of duplicate content because there are now two (or more) different URLs with exactly the same content. If you instead use a hashtag, this won’t happen, since everything after the hashtag will be ignored by search engines."

如果根据 Yoast 所说的话,我的 URL tracking 应该用? 还是 #?假设以我的其中一种产品为例,例如这个:



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