From Engineering to Business

On the way from an engineer to transfer to a Business person, it is hard and fun. Because the mindset is different and the focus items are different.

To be an Engineer, you need to focus on being honorable and to do perfect coding or enhance the process and make the user convincing. However, to be a business person, you have to think about how to get people to buy your product and how much money that is suitable for the product so that your clients are happy and your company could survive and make profit. Before I was just an Engineer, all I cared about was making good products for my clients. Now I am a business person, I need to care about the trend in the market and the value for the company.

What might be good for an engineer to be a business person? First, I know technology more than most sales. There are sales in technology as well. However, without coding experience, sometimes it is hard to talk with other engineers. Second, I always say what I know. There are many kinds of sales, I had met a kind of sales that they did that told clients the truth or tried to lead the communication as they were doing a big favor. However, by thinking in one second later, you might find out that the clients do not need to buy it. Third, I could consult more on technology. Once one of my ex managers told me that clients were happy to have me. However, the company might have lost profit due to me spending 30% more time on one client than others. At that time, I did not think about the reason to convince him. After a few months later, I knew that the reason why was due to those clients being so willing to buy things from me in order to talk with me about their issues and find possible solutions from me.

Therefore, I am happy that I could transfer and communicate with both sides.

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