
前面我们有讲过 C# 中的类,今天我们补充点,关于类的继承的内容。


此时,我们就可以通过类继承的方式来定义,我们将定义一个基(础)类 people,它将包含姓名(name)和年龄(age),同时,基于该基类创建一个派生类,包含学生的班级信息和课程信息。使用同样的方式创建一个类文件,并在类文件中定义类:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApp31
    class people      // 基类(父类)
        public string name;
        public int age;
    class students : people   //派生类(子类),将继承基类的属性信息
        public string Class;
        public string course;
        public string say()
            return "He is " + name + ", and he is " + age + " years old. He is a " + Class + " student, and he is taking a " + course + " class.";

现在,我们可以在主文件中,直接调用该 students 类,同时,该 students 类也包含了 people 类的属性:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApp31
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            students s = new students();
            s.name = "Tom";
            s.age = 23;
            s.Class = "third year in university";
            s.course = "computer";


He is Tom, and he is 23 years old. He is a third year in university student, and he is taking a computer class.

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>>:  Day 0x14 - 订单查询 (Part2 : View)

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